Crosses with white Chantecler


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
What happens when you cross a white chantecler with any of these breeds?:

RIR (Rhode Island Red)
SS (Speckled Sussex)
BO (Buff Orpington)
BR (Barred Rock)
Buff Brahma
White Silkie
I can not make an accurate prediction based upon the hypostatic (hidden) genetics found in the chantecler. The white and white cross will produce white chickens.

The barred rock will produce barred and black chicks. The rest ???????. The rest most likely black.

the siklie cross should have chicks with feathered legs, crest, muffs, walnut like comb, 5 toes, blackish skin.

The other chicks will have a weird looking pea comb. the brahma cross will produce pea combs.

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I am not too sure about crossing with the breeds you have listed.

I have some young stock that were sold to me as White Chanteclers from a lady who bought the eggs online and hatched them out. Looking at them as they start to mature, it is apparent that they are clearly crossed with something else.
I checked the site of the person who supplied the eggs and he has a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington.
As some of these birds are developing golden feathers on their backs and wings, I am going to say it is safe to say that his LCO got in with the Chantecler hens...
One of the pullets and a few of the cockerels have a couple of small black spots
The majority of the cockerels have single and rose combs; of the 7 only two have cushion combs. All of the pullets have pea/cushion combs.
Some have yellow legs, the rest have white/grey legs.
All are going to be big birds.

Once they have finished growing and have their adult feathers I will post photos.
I am not too sure about crossing with the breeds you have listed.

I have some young stock that were sold to me as White Chanteclers from a lady who bought the eggs online and hatched them out. Looking at them as they start to mature, it is apparent that they are clearly crossed with something else.
I checked the site of the person who supplied the eggs and he has a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington.
As some of these birds are developing golden feathers on their backs and wings, I am going to say it is safe to say that his LCO got in with the Chantecler hens...
One of the pullets and a few of the cockerels have a couple of small black spots
The majority of the cockerels have single and rose combs; of the 7 only two have cushion combs. All of the pullets have pea/cushion combs.
Some have yellow legs, the rest have white/grey legs.
All are going to be big birds.

Once they have finished growing and have their adult feathers I will post photos.
Any photos yet?

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