Crossing my Red Ranger Hens.

I like meat, but I went through a phase where I couldn't eat meat. Preparing it for my family even made my stomach turn. I don't abide animal cruelty even if it's livestock.
That's why I raise my own chicken and turkey... I buy beef and pork from local farmers so I can see how it's raised
That's why I raise my own chicken and turkey... I buy beef and pork from local farmers so I can see how it's raised

Yup, we're working on the other meats right now trying to find sources here. We fish to eat quite a bit but have to be careful with that even due to mercury levels.

Meat is about the healthiest food on the planet and if I still had my gallbladder I would eat it more often. My body struggles eating certain meats and I can get sick if I eat too much.

My sister doesn't have her gall bladder and has the same problem, particularly with beef. And cheese, she doesn't eat very much of that either.

Above is an NN2 (Naked Neck x Red Ranger)x (Ayam Cemani x (Ayam Cemani x Red Ranger)) <-- I have no idea if I typed the right, and I would be shocked if I was even accurate because I am losing track of the multiple crossings.

This is a Female from my MNN pen (Naked Neck x Red Ranger) x (Dorking x Red Ranger) and the 2 Red Rangers in this were separate birds. the males came out white.

Here is a bunch of them the center bottom is the MNN male who came out white because they are technically Red Sex Links. Over to the right is the NN2 Those could possibly come out recessive white too. I think I had one but I ended up mixing up all my birds because I was dealing with too many issue at once yesterday. I think I meant to post this in the hatch a long but since all the focuses were on Partial Red Ranger chicks and the people who have concerns about the patterns because they received the same eggs read this thread too.

(the black chicks are Dominques and Ayam Cemanis)
I give away the culls to poor people who can't afford Ayam Cemanis but want them. In their flock. More than half were culls which tells me that the one hen still laying is the source of all my culls. Now I gotta put lipstick on vents and see who is still laying.

Lipstick on vents? :lau You are hilarious! I know why butt..:lau

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