Crossing my Red Ranger Hens.

Rhode Island White x Red Ranger cross. you can see other breeds the same age are half his size. My Rhode Island White never ended up large but he grew rather fast, matured before any other Heritage breed I bought in that same week (TSC) and he is very wide. He grew so fast and matured so fast that I had him in with my White Leghorns until I noticed he was super wide and figured out he was the one Rhode Island White I got in a group of chicks from TSC. Him being a very wide, might end up being a great cross for the Red Ranger hen I still have.

the one on the Right (not left, sorry Kris) is the Grandson of both my Red Ranger Hens on both the paternal and maternal sides, he is also 1/4 Naked Neck and 1/4 Dorking... yet he doesn't seem to have the Naked Neck Trait nor the 5 toe dorking trait. I know he is a male because he coincidently is also a Red Sex Link even though I did not plan that out.

2 weeks old next to a 2 week old Dominique for size reference
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the one on the left is the Grandson of both my Red Ranger Hens on both the paternal and maternal sides, he is also 1/4 Naked Neck and 1/4 Dorking... yet he doesn't seem to have the Naked Neck Trait nor the 5 toe dorking trait. I know he is a male because he coincidently is also a Red Sex Link even though I did not plan that out.

2 weeks old next to a 2 week old Dominique for size reference

Is the black one the RRxdorkingxNN mix? Or the bigger one?
@Kris5902 He mentioned in another thread that the black one is a dominic.

Thanks, I was worried for a moment there, because he said the one on the left (the tiny black one!) sometimes my phone camera will reverse images... I thought for sure the big pale one would have to be the cross, but I’m not too familiar with Dominique’s
sorry about not getting the info out correctly, I am exhausted. The black on is a Dominique of the same age, the large one is the "Mutt Ranger" as I am going to call it for short.

We all do it from time to time, ;) and I can totally feel the exhausted state! Spent a couple hours trying to herd a single crazy Shetland cross sheep back to its flock today. SHE kept stomping, charging, attempting to butt me and the dogs, and running the wrong way! Get some rest... yet when else is there time for BYC? :D And I do believe your several hours ahead of my time zone wise :p
View attachment 1947363
the one on the Right (not left, sorry Kris) is the Grandson of both my Red Ranger Hens on both the paternal and maternal sides, he is also 1/4 Naked Neck and 1/4 Dorking... yet he doesn't seem to have the Naked Neck Trait nor the 5 toe dorking trait. I know he is a male because he coincidently is also a Red Sex Link even though I did not plan that out.

2 weeks old next to a 2 week old Dominique for size reference

Never having raised meat birds I find the size difference amazing. Especially so quickly in the young chicks. Great picture comparison. Really like this thread.
I'm in the process of integrating the 2 Dorking/RR mixes and their hatchmates into the main coop which requires a bit of handling. Those 2 chicks are noticeably heavier and fuller in the breast than the rest. The male is more...squat where the female has a longer breast that hasn't filled out as much. She still has a fuller breast than any of the Turken/Bresse hatchmates though. They are super active and the female is friendly but not enough to get in the way. I haven't noticed that they spend more time at the feed bowl than the others. Super happy with this mix!
I'm in the process of integrating the 2 Dorking/RR mixes and their hatchmates into the main coop which requires a bit of handling. Those 2 chicks are noticeably heavier and fuller in the breast than the rest. The male is more...squat where the female has a longer breast that hasn't filled out as much. She still has a fuller breast than any of the Turken/Bresse hatchmates though. They are super active and the female is friendly but not enough to get in the way. I haven't noticed that they spend more time at the feed bowl than the others. Super happy with this mix!

Have you noticed if the Dorking's are eating spilt feed before they eat from a feeder?

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