Crossing splash with black=?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 28, 2013
Ok. Wanting to cross my Black Australorpe rooster over some splash Orpington hens, And a splash orpington rooster over some Black Australorpe hens. What do you guys think I will get, color wise? Also I have a lavender orpington hen I was thinking about breeding to my Black Australorpe? Anybody got some in put?
The black to splash/splash to black breedings should produce 100% blue chicks.

The black to lavender breeding should produce all black chicks, however they all will carry a single copy for lavender. Breed back to the lavender parent should produce 50% lavender chicks. Breeding the single copy chicks together should produce 25% lavender chicks.
Awsome! Thank you so much. Is there a color chart somewhere I can reference? Something I can maybe print off to have to look at?

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