Crow Collar Help


Mar 27, 2016
I have 2 three month old cockerels, and 1 four month old rooster. The four month old has started crowing and breeding, while the three month olds are only breeding. I bought crow collars for all of them and it's not really making a difference for the four month old.
I have tightened it to the max and I don’t know what to do about the crowing. Please help!

If crowing is such a problem that you need to put collars on all of your cockerels, maybe you should rehome them. Not trying to be rude.

What is your purpose for keeping them? and why so many?

If the collar isn't making a difference at it's tightest setting, maybe it's to big still.

Best wishes!

If crowing is such a problem that you need to put collars on all of your cockerels, maybe you should rehome them. Not trying to be rude.

What is your purpose for keeping them? and why so many?

If the collar isn't making a difference at it's tightest setting, maybe it's to big still.

Best wishes!

Well I got 4 Easter chicks and 3 turned into boys.
I am actually selling them in 5 days. But I have no where to put them until then, so I guess my neighbours are jut going to have to suck it up.
Well I got 4 Easter chicks and 3 turned into boys.
I am actually selling them in 5 days. But I have no where to put them until then, so I guess my neighbours are jut going to have to suck it up.
Stinks when that happens!

Sounds like you already have it worked out. If your neighbors can't deal with it for a week while you are taking care of it.... re home them to!

I'm sure none of them have barking dogs,... right!? Good for you for being a responsible and peaceful neighbor!

Good luck!

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