crowing rooster


In the Brooder
Feb 3, 2015
So the man I got my chicks from said they were hatched Dec.11, 2014.One of my roosters is crowing! Isnt it to early?????
Has he been doing it constantly or every once in a while? I sometimes hear my birds at that age crow, (the funniest have got to be the Cornish Cross rooster crowing)
Apparently not
Not too early.

We have often had two week old Black Copper Marans crow, they did it usually in the mornings. They will usually stop for awhile and start up again around two months old.
I believe donrae was responding to the question of "isn't it too early" - because, if the bird is crowing it is "apparently not" too early
Yep, was responding to the OP. Generally, if you're not responding to the OP in a thread, you quote the person you're responding to, to avoid confusion. Otherwise, just assume responses are to the OP.
He has done it every morning around 7:30ish.Its kinda funny because he tries hard to get it out, stretching his neck and wings! He almost looke like he is trying to throw up!

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