crows and hawks


13 Years
Jul 28, 2010
Ripley, WV
So yesterday I was out admiring the wonderful snow coated trees and several crows were out squawking around and I noticed they were escorting what I believe to be a hawk (light tan underside and wings, hefty chest area, small head) out of my viewing area. While they were squawking the hawk away and escorting it, another hawk came and landed in the very tree they were escorting the other bird from. They immediately came back and bombarded that bird until it flew away in the same direction under the crows escort.

Is it safe to assume that a lot of crows in the area is a good thing and crows = less likely hawk attacks....

just found this curious and I am sure many of you know....

Thanks in advance.

Many people feed the crows as they will work upon hawks. Note how they always approach from above. I once saw a group of crows bombarding a redtail. As he glided along, he suddenly flipped to the side, reached up with his talons and knocked feathers off of the closest crow. The crows immediately left mumbling "That one is just too smart for us." I raise Birmingham roller pigeons. Cooper's hawks love to eat them. When I had a resident family of crows (prior to the outbreak of West Nile virus) I could fly attack free. Since the death of this original family no crows are breeding on my property and hawk attacks are routine occurrences.
It's called "mobbing" and they will do that to most raptors. I had an owl that got caught up in the poultry netting yesterday (see " My Good Deed for Today" thread under Rambling section) and I found it because the crows were making a heck of a racket. I've learn to guard the chickens when the local crow flock is making a lot of noise because there are hawks around.
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My crows alerted me to an attack on my birds by a bald eagle. Thanks to them, I was able to save my little red hen. I only let the girls out when I'm home now, and I keep my ears open. I hope they build a nest in the walnut tree again this year.

Wow! That's all pretty impressive stuff. So crows are good and won't hurt the birds but because they mob they actually protect..... ?
Well then... do you think the birds know the crows are the good guys? Seems from observing my 3 chickens and pekin duck, that they take to the shade and brush at the sound of any over head noise -- I watch that duck cock her head and observe who is flying where in the sky and then head for the under brush, chickens in tow behind her. I haven't noticed that they continue to forage in the open when it's a crow making noise. Just curious...
Mine have figured out that the crows aren't dangerous. The girls will chase the crows on occasion when they're on the ground stealing feed.
I feed the crows. They're going to be around anyhow, stealing feed if I didn't offer them their own.

I've seen them attack a golden eagle.

The crows are friend in my book.
Crows aren't perfect--they will steal eggs if they can get at them and baby chicks. But, bottom line, I'd rather have them around.
Crows aren't always able to mob a hawk out of the area. I've seen Cooper's hawks actively attack crows and ravens and even when the crows fought back in numbers, they hawk was still faster and more agile.
I have been interested in attracting crows for a while. I have them in the area.

gritsar, what and how do you feed them?


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