crusty yellow stuff on vent corners

chicken delighted

8 Years
Mar 26, 2011
i have a beauitful hen that seem healthy except that she has a smell near her vent area when i looked closer i notice that the corners had a little tearing and that the corners had a yellow crusty stuff on them. i moved her into a pen by herself and for 5 days i kept her rear clean and treated the area with antoboit ontment it seem to get better and i place her back in the flock now we are back to the same thing as 2 weks ago.yet not as bad could it be from the large egg she might be laying or do i have another problem? she eats and drinks well feathers and eye condition are excellent as far as i can tell. should i treat her with and oral antiboitc and yes she has been wormed about 4 weeks ago i use and oral wormer that when i notice we had a problem when i pick her up she had a smell not and chicken smell the
stinkey bottom smell

thank heaven it is not fly season i might have had fly strike on her i do not want to have that happening in the spring . any sugguestion please!! she is the splash one her sister is next to her . she is a beauitful bird and i do not wish to cull her . we hatched her as egg and we got her from a farm that was NPIP/AI free she a sweetie.
are her eggs broken when she lays them? if not it could be something she is sitting on or an infection. i know this may sound a little gross but could u post a pic of what the yellow stuff looks like? sounds familiar...

looks like a yellow dried booger
could it be vent gleet?if so how could i treat it. no eggs are broken and the pine shaving are replaced very 2 weeks. in the nesting boxes
it kind of smell like road kill, but she seems fine runnig around taking dust baths ,ect
Sounds definitely like vent gleet which is an over run of yeast once the intestine gets out of kilter. Oral antibiotics won't help & may make it worse by killing off more of the good bacteria in her digestive system. You need to give her probiotics in her water & plain yogurt in her food. Also I use monostat suppositories for at least 3 days inserted in her vent in the evening once she's settled down for the night. That way the medicine has a chance to be absorbed. Spray her vent area with iodine twice a day for 3 - 5 days.The yeast she has is not so different that women sometimes have.That is why I use the monostat.

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