*cry* one of my beautiful anconas was attacked this morning (WARNING: PICS)

Thanks for the replies, everyone. I've had Freckles in the bathroom for the last couple hours, checking on him every so often. I was able to pick him up and look at him a little better -- though with only the two hands I have holding him, I wasn't able to do any in-depth looking. It seems as though there's a bald patch on the back base of his neck, but no wound, and the worst of it is on the right side of his neck (as seen in the second picture I posted above). I can't really see any wounds; it looks like the feathers are matted against his neck.

I've been outside the last hour or so, getting as much done on the new duck house as possible by myself. Fortunately, there isn't too too much left to do. My husband was able to get out of work half a day early (thank you, boss!!), so if we work double-time, we should get things safe enough to transfer Freckles' mate over there for tonight, then really finish-finish it Saturday. With hubby home, too, I'll have extra hands to be able to check Freckles out more thoroughly and clean him up better if needed.

When I checked on him a few minutes ago, it looked like he'd been at the water & peas bowl I put in there with him, so I'm taking that as a good sign.

Again, thanks so much for the help.
I think that's great - perhaps the photos above made it look worse to me than it was...
Coconut Oil... a neighbor's horse had a big gash on his leg with flies buzzing and walking all over it, by his hoof and I called my neighbor and told him that I noticed he was injured... he told me that I could put something on it for him, that he knew and had treated it already. I asked him what I should put on it and he told me that he was putting bacon grease on it, which I looked up and is an old farmer's treatment... anyway, we are vegetarian, so I didn't have any bacon grease on hand, so I grabbed my coconut oil, which is antibacterial, and slathered it on his wound. The flies disappeared! It worked for a few hours and then I would reapply it. You could tell when he had that bacon grease on there and when it was covered with coconut oil.

Thank you very much for this link, PeanutnCashew. It's perfectly timed. I'm actually crying right now, because I went in to take a closer look at Freckles' wounds, to see how they were doing, and found we missed one... and it's crawling with maggots. *sob* I took the shower sprayer to him again and rinsed a lot away, but obviously not all of them. I can't get into town today, so have no way to purchase anything special, so if anybody has any home remedies, please, please shout them out! The cupboards are kind of bare, but we've got to have something that will work until I can go to town tomorrow...
I didn't have to deal with maggots, but when my drake got slashed across his chest someone told me to use diluted hydrogen peroxide and neosporin. I kept him in my bathtub for about a week or two reapplying the neosporin at least daily. When he was mostly healed up I used the blukote spray and sent him back outside. now you can't even tell he had been hurt. Good luck
Well I just spent the grossest hour in the history of time. I used the shower sprayer again to rinse Freckles off... then I used a pair of tweezers to pluck a bunch of the little buggars out of the bite wounds... then I poured very warm salt water over the wounds... then I plucked away again with tweezers... then I rinsed off with the shower sprayer again.

I'm assuming I'm going to have to do this many times throughout the day today... and the next couple days...

I've also read that ivermectin kills maggots. I'll get to Tractor Supply Co. tomorrow to see if they have any over the counter ivermectin that will work on ducks.

I'm so itchy and disgusted by this, it's not even funny... I know it's no picnic for him, either, though, so I'm plugging along...

Thanks for a place to come and rant/cry/get help...

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