Crying My Eyes Out! My Poor Baby Girl, Oreo! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!

Sorry, I have no idea what the "betto" post was. Darn post glitch.

Some people are really uncomfortable about gas, and many people unfortunately mistakingly think co2, nitrogen, helium, etc. are the same thing as someone coming up to you and strangling you, so that may be a reason for her discomfort. It may also be for another reason/s though. Hoping you all find a method that is agreeable for everyone! One thing that helps me prepare to say goodbye to my tumor ratties is to prepare them an extra special meal, cuddle with them extra, etc. since I don't have to worry about long-term health effects at that point, unhealthy foods like Froot Loops are a big hit!
I know you don't like the thought of it but we've put several small animals down with a pellet gun. If your Dad knows what he's doing it's quick and over before the animal knows what happened. As punk said, give her treats, say your goodbyes and just have your Dad take care of it. Pellet guns are quiet, but you'll probably want to sit with some music or something on. And have him wrap her up for you, you don't want to look. Bury her and cry a lot............
I know you don't like the thought of it but we've put several small animals down with a pellet gun. If your Dad knows what he's doing it's quick and over before the animal knows what happened. As punk said, give her treats, say your goodbyes and just have your Dad take care of it. Pellet guns are quiet, but you'll probably want to sit with some music or something on. And have him wrap her up for you, you don't want to look. Bury her and cry a lot............
Sadly, I'm agreeing. I adopted Oreo, and in doing so, I agreed to take care of her, and try to what's best for her. Shelters around here won't put her down, vets are asking $50, and Oreo's suffering. I must make a decision, soon. We (mankind) brought her into this world. If she was a wild rat, she would've bred, been getting exercise, and wouldn't have gotten a tumor. This is an unnatural situation for her, and she is in pain. Thank y'all for your help. I am going to ask my Dad if he can put her down today when he gets home. I will post her memorial later today after she's been buried. Thank y'all for your help. Stay tuned for the memorial.
Oh honey, having animals sucks sometimes. So does being mature and putting her needs above your own pain. I'm proud you've come to this point. Really, it's been very quick for our animals. That's always my main concern, I don't want my animals to suffer.

So very sorry, it seems like your Dad may be the best choice. You may ask a livestock vet what they would charge for future vet only charged me $90 to put down a horse we tried to help but were unable .
Aw, how sad. A decision like this is never easy and ending a life should never be easy. So sorry.
Aw, how sad. A decision like this is never easy and ending a life should never be easy. So sorry.

So very sorry, it seems like your Dad may be the best choice. You may ask a livestock vet what they would charge for future vet only charged me $90 to put down a horse we tried to help but were unable .

Oh honey, having animals sucks sometimes. So does being mature and putting her needs above your own pain. I'm proud you've come to this point. Really, it's been very quick for our animals. That's always my main concern, I don't want my animals to suffer.

My dad said that he will do the Co2 method. He has done it before, and he said it works really well.
Honestly, it sounds like she is in pain and suffering, and without veterinary care, the infection will likely be her end. The pellet gun actually is not a bad suggestion. It may not be 'clean' but a single shot to the head will be an instant death. It'll be less pain than an open, infected tumor.

My friend who has three female rats recently agreed to a new treatment for mammary tumors for his rats. It is a little hormone implant inserted with a needle (numbing gel on the skin beforehand to make it painless). The implant disrupts the cycle that leads to out of control mammary tissue growth. Within two weeks, his two rats with tumors shrunk and have continued to do so slowly. His third female rat is was spayed earlier in her life (she got a mammary tumor when she was very young, so the vet just removed her ovaries and uterus while the rattie was anesthetized) so she did not need an implant.

That hormone implant is not actually approved for use in rats in the United States. It was only just approved for ferrets. But the veterinarian had just been to a small animal veterinary conference before my friend brought his rats to her for their tumors. But the veterinarian had read of many instances of it being used for rats and mammary tumors in the UK, so she used it off label for my friend's ratties. And it worked!
Honestly, it sounds like she is in pain and suffering, and without veterinary care, the infection will likely be her end. The pellet gun actually is not a bad suggestion. It may not be 'clean' but a single shot to the head will be an instant death. It'll be less pain than an open, infected tumor.

My friend who has three female rats recently agreed to a new treatment for mammary tumors for his rats. It is a little hormone implant inserted with a needle (numbing gel on the skin beforehand to make it painless). The implant disrupts the cycle that leads to out of control mammary tissue growth. Within two weeks, his two rats with tumors shrunk and have continued to do so slowly. His third female rat is was spayed earlier in her life (she got a mammary tumor when she was very young, so the vet just removed her ovaries and uterus while the rattie was anesthetized) so she did not need an implant.

That hormone implant is not actually approved for use in rats in the United States. It was only just approved for ferrets. But the veterinarian had just been to a small animal veterinary conference before my friend brought his rats to her for their tumors. But the veterinarian had read of many instances of it being used for rats and mammary tumors in the UK, so she used it off label for my friend's ratties. And it worked!
I am trying to be a good animal mama. I have decided that she is definitely suffering, and have made the very hard decision to get her put down. My dad is going to do the Co2 method, which he did before on a suffering hamster. Stay tuned, I will have a memorial to Oreo posted here soon.

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