
I thought so! The problem with what you are doing is that you are training you doggy to cry! She cries now to get you to pick her up and love on her and snuggle her. My guess is there's not a darn thing wrong with your dog except that she is smart enough to have trained you very well! 😊
Great observation 👍I love her so much and she might cry for attention and loves!:wee
All puppies are born with blue eyes. And does she cry when the sun is NOT in her eyes? If the sun is bothering her, she can close her eyes, turn away, or move away. You are rewarding her for crying. Puppies are smart and learn quickly.
She is asking to be held. If you continue to pick her up and love on her, she will do it more and more until you have an annoying whiner nobody can stand. I suggest you stop. It will be hard, because at first she will do more of it, for about three days. You need to train yourself to pick her up when she is QUIET. Or if she is going to be a big dog, don't pick her up at all. Walk away. Ignore her.
I’d she is part boxer ( which she dose not look like) they cry for the most random reasons : tv shows, cars driving by, ex.
If not then pet her all along her body if she wines when you tour a certain place that she is probably hurt also one time we could not tell why my dog was crying and it was cuz of a thorn in her paw and a broken toenail so cheek her paws to
I’d she is part boxer ( which she dose not look like) they cry for the most random reasons : tv shows, cars driving by, ex.
If not then pet her all along her body if she wines when you tour a certain place that she is probably hurt also one time we could not tell why my dog was crying and it was cuz of a thorn in her paw and a broken toenail so cheek her paws to
Ok she isn't part boxer she is a mini dachshund
It's good for all of MY dogs
I’m still curious as to what the pills are, whether it is good for all dogs or just your dogs, I am still curious. I have given an anxiety pill to my dog but I didn’t like how they zoned out and some pain meds I have given caused an allergic reaction. Guess I’ll do a little more research on the one pill that can help with both stress and pain.
I wish you the best of luck.
I’m still curious as to what the pills are, whether it is good for all dogs or just your dogs, I am still curious. I have given an anxiety pill to my dog but I didn’t like how they zoned out and some pain meds I have given caused an allergic reaction. Guess I’ll do a little more research on the one pill that can help with both stress and pain.
I wish you the best of luck.
It has nothing in it my dogs are allergic to.

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