Cuckoo Marans or Barred Rock?

Thank you! Is there a way that you can tell? We got all of them the same day. Though I believe the Feed Mill had both the sex link and the BR prior to the Friday we picked them up. But they all looked to be the same and small size! The EE was the new "shipment" that day if I remember correctly. It seems only right that Buttercup (my red) is the first!
Okay, she is a sex link, not a Welsummer. Didn't hurt to check

I agree she's your layer. First, sex links are highly production bred and tent to mature faster overall than other breeds.

Second, combs are signs of sexual maturity/fertility in hens. The plumpness and red color are signs to a male she's available and healthy for mating. Your sex link had the largest, plumpest, reddest comb of the trio, so it stands to reason she's the layer. The Rock will catch up, although her comb may not be as large overall. The EE will get a nice red comb and it will be plump, but since she has a pea comb (the others are straight combs) it won't ever look as large or showy.
Here in Wisconsin I haven't had any hens get frostbite only the roosters as hens tuck a their heads under a wing at night. As stated good air movement, that isn't a draft, but removes moisture is more important than worrying about keeping them warm, they will keep themselves warm.

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