Cuckoo Marans or Barred Rock?


In the Brooder
Jun 24, 2016
Milwaukee, Wisconsin




Hi all! So this weekend one of my girls laid her first two eggs! I have 3 pullets and I'm fairly sure which girl is producing already. I was told at the feed store she was cuckoo Marans, but her yellowish/grey legs leads me to believe otherwise. Now I'm not sure becuaused based in the egg color I think they are too dark to be BR. So here are some photos of my girls and the two eggs!

Or am I completely wrong on who is laying? They are 18.5 weeks. The girl on the right is my EE. They girl in back I was told is a sex link standard brown layer (she was yellow as a baby chick). I was expecting light brown eggs from the sex link. Obviously I'm new to all of this.
Interesting! Looks like a Cuckoo Marans egg but Marans will have white skin and beak, not yellow :/. Also, the barring on your girl is not as defined as my BR and not as speckeled as my CM, if that makes sense. Sorry I don't have a definitive answer for you. I'm curious to see what others think :).
I would say barred rock. The barring is way too defined to be the cuckoo pattern, and the legs and beak are the wrong color. She just might happen to lay dark eggs...
I"m pretty sure that's a Rock. I see her and the Easter egger. Can you get a pic of the bird in the back? I'm wondering if she's a Welsummer.

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