cuckoo marans


12 Years
Oct 27, 2007
okay. i am going crazy.

i just saw a picture of a cuckoo marans. realllllllllllllllllllly. ai. to me, looks really similar to barred rock and the dom as has been discussed. so is a cuckoo marans related or totally seperate to one of them?

i feel like i'm picking out paint colors and can't tell the difference between mango tango sunrise and orange sherbet sunset.
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so, the difference is really more in the combs, legs, etc.

i have got to learn to not be overwhelmed by the visual sameness of the colors and look at the other body parts. i do some, but tend to think more in terms of my red chickens, my black chicken and my striped chicken.

i know their faces and their temperaments but i'm not sure i know if they have different leg colors or not.

I happen to have some Cuckoo marans. They are pinked legged and have chocolate colored eggs. I have had barred rocks but not dominiques. So I can't talk about the Doms. I didn't particularly like the barreds much. But I love my marans. If you need to know anything just let me know.

Not the total expert here but I do know my marans.


My cuckoo marans, she has yellow legs, did I get a barred rock?
Looks like a BR to me!

I've found BRs to be rather on the aggressive side when mature--all four of mine have chased cats, pecked horses, attacked squirrels, etc. So far, though, my CM is a very nice chicken.

As far as I know, "Barring" is just a color trait--like one of us having blonde or brown hair. Buff Rocks and Buff Orps may look similar, but they are very different breeds--Columbian Rocks and Columbian Brahmas, etc.
You could have a cross or a pure marans with a breed fault. Sometimes legs will have a yellow tint and these birds should not be used for breeding. The legs should be white.Females may have dark coloring down their legs. Except for leg color,it is very difficult to tell male marans from male barred rocks. Females are more easily identified because most of the time the barring patern is not straight. I say it looks like someone painted the barring markings on and then smudged them before they dried. I am not an expert,although I do raise marans,but your bird looks like a barred rock. I had barred rocks and I liked them,but I had to get rid of them when I started on my marans because they looked so much alike I was afraid I would mix them up by accident.

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