Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I had the same surgery. Make sure he gets PT, I didn't get as much as I needed and it's still taking me forever to get to the point I can walk without a limp, plus the pain associated with all the nerve damage and ligaments that take forever to heal.
Still can't lay on my side due to the pain of the lag screw pushing into the ball joint. :hit
Hope he has a speedy recovery.

Thanks Sean. He will have therapy while he is in the hospital. He will then transition from hospital to a rehab center where he will have 100 days to recup. When he comes home he will then have outpatient therapy. I am not able to help him so he has to be able to do a lot himself.

Keep working on your therapy you will get there eventually.
Thanks Sean. He will have therapy while he is in the hospital. He will then transition from hospital to a rehab center where he will have 100 days to recup. When he comes home he will then have outpatient therapy. I am not able to help him so he has to be able to do a lot himself.

Keep working on your therapy you will get there eventually.

Continued well wishes being sent to your DH :)
Thanks Sean. He will have therapy while he is in the hospital. He will then transition from hospital to a rehab center where he will have 100 days to recup. When he comes home he will then have outpatient therapy. I am not able to help him so he has to be able to do a lot himself.

Keep working on your therapy you will get there eventually.
Vitamin D3 definitely helped me, so gove him plenty of it. Helps with nearly every process in the human body. I started out with 10,000IUs then after a couple of weeks went to 5,000IUs per day. Takes about a month for the body to adjust and be able to keep some in reserve....the body uses it up so quickly.
Congratulations for your husband on his retitement. Hope you get a lot done.
Thanks so much! We do have a lot of plans. He's making a driveway gate right now. Almost finished with that project.
Let us know what the vet says Val. You're lucky to have one that will see chickens. I always have to play vet for my flock and it's not easy. Chickens seem to hide their illnesses and injuries until things are way bad and then you have to scramble to figure out what's wrong. Hope Queen Victoria will be ok!
Turns out my vet does not see chickens. Would have been nice to know that yesterday when I called for a recommendation. :rant But, I found one that would do a float test. Once I got there, the vet assistant said, once they get a diagnosis from the float test, they will also come up with a treatment plan. They are having a full diagnosis, so it will cover parasites, yeast, bacteria, etc. I will get results tomorrow on that.

The Queen is doing much better today, just from getting some probiotics and Nutri-Drench. She started eating and drinking a little this morning, but I have to hand feed and water her. I don't mind at all. Using advice I got on my ER thread, I just gave her some amoxycillin. That is either going to help a lot, or make it worse. I guess that will answer the bacteria vs yeast question.

Don't you just wish they could talk to us????
I had the same surgery. Make sure he gets PT, I didn't get as much as I needed and it's still taking me forever to get to the point I can walk without a limp, plus the pain associated with all the nerve damage and ligaments that take forever to heal.
Still can't lay on my side due to the pain of the lag screw pushing into the ball joint. :hit
Hope he has a speedy recovery.
I'm so sorry to hear you have such trouble with something that could have been resolved with the proper medical treatment. :hugs Would it help to go back to PT now?
Do you want it formal or informal?
haha...I think we got past the name. It's too long, but we keep finding our way here. :D

Why? Did you have some really clever ideas?
My husband had surgery yesterday afternoon to insert a rod in his femur with locking bolts. He was in recovery last night at 1900 awake and doing fine. Talked with him this morning and he was in good spirits. I have already made arrangements for him to be placed at a health care facility for recovery. He will not be able to return home until he is able to get up by himself and do for himself. I could not even begin to help him get up. Hopefully he will be back home in a month or two.

Hope he has a speedy recovery gets harder as we age
Good morning everybody! I'm up in the middle of the night thinking about Queen V. Just checked on her and she is resting peacefully, facing the water dish, so I know she is still drinking water. And I'm drinking Alka seltzer. Stress always effects me this way. I will hear back on the fecal float test today so we can at least get her on the right treatment plan. :fl
Good morning everybody! I'm up in the middle of the night thinking about Queen V. Just checked on her and she is resting peacefully, facing the water dish, so I know she is still drinking water. And I'm drinking Alka seltzer. Stress always effects me this way. I will hear back on the fecal float test today so we can at least get her on the right treatment plan. :fl

Good morning Val

I'll keep my fingers crossed along with you for Queen V, keep us posted on how she's doing.

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