Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning everyone! Thanks for the coffee!

Hope your chick sales go well today, Cap!

It's trying to rain now, but it should clear up, so I can hear the spirit of Sean saying, "Make it a great day!" I'm going to do that! How about you?

I'll do my part have a good one!
Happy Memorial Day! This morning, watching the ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, I am reminded that today we remember those who gave their lives for this country.

We watched a special with Brian Kilmead going through some of our early history, Revolution, 1812 war, and were reminded what it cost to create this country. He made it so fascinating that I might just have to go out and buy his books.

On Veteran's Day we celebrate all of our heroes who keep us safe and free, but today, it is those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Good morning everyone! Thanks for the coffee!

Hope your chick sales go well today, Cap!

It's trying to rain now, but it should clear up, so I can hear the spirit of Sean saying, "Make it a great day!" I'm going to do that! How about you?
Thanks Val. He seems like he's going to show up, even gave me the cell number. He is interested in some of my older chicks.
Happy Memorial Day! This morning, watching the ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, I am reminded that today we remember those who gave their lives for this country.

We watched a special with Brian Kilmead going through some of our early history, Revolution, 1812 war, and were reminded what it cost to create this country. He made it so fascinating that I might just have to go out and buy his books.

On Veteran's Day we celebrate all of our heroes who keep us safe and free, but today, it is those who made the ultimate sacrifice. View attachment 2158902
Every veteran's day, I think of those who have fought for our freedom. Very awesome! Thanks to all of those who are in the armed forces!

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