Curiosity has the best of me - Vegetarians.

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I am a vegetarian because i dont like the thought of eating meat. I see the meat and then i see a cute little critter in my head and i cant do i still crave a cheeseburger? Of course...There was someone i know that kinda made me mad tho when i was talking to them about being a vegitarian. They didnt like it that i was so they said "If we werent supposed to eat them, why were they made of meat?" This was kinda dumb to say in my oppinion...we are made of meat as well but we dont go around eating each other (well some people eat other people but its frowned upon)...and i guess i naturally avoid meat as well...always have...
I didn't read all the posts but some might become vegetarian for health reasons. I have gall bladder issues and some meats just set it off like mad and I will not have surgery so I am down to chicken and fish and even those I only have a couple times a week. Other than that its veggies. I do miss a good steak. I would imagine others with health issues might have similar reasons for going vegetarian.
Why don't we all just eat meat at the grocery store where no animals were harmed...

Hereford, good point.

Room Mom'd for Kinder and it was interesting to find out that our Veggie Students couldn't have gelatin/marshmallows... and that also meant nothing like Skittles, Starburst, etc... FRUIT candy... not exactly.

I'd never really thought of it before, eye opener I'll tell you.

But the real eye opener was the other mom's who threw a FIT because they had to serve chocolate chip cookies instead of marshmallows... mind they'd never once mentioned serving mallows... at all... until they found out they couldn't, THEN it was fightin' words. Worse IMO because at least one was a parent who'd already limited our choices because their kid couldn't eat PB, and we were all okay with it.

I don't care why you can't eat something... choice or allergy or doc's orders... whatever... I'm not going to force it on you, most especially won't try to sneak it in just to see if it really will kill you or you were just faking... but I saw that attitude... and it was really upsetting because they weren't griping about it to the parents, they were griping at and to the kids... their little darlin's would repeat that meanness... "thanks to YOU we can't have marshmallows" kind of thing... like a kid has any choice at all in what diet their parents choose for them... any more than they can choose to be allergic? Just plain judgmental meanness... and aimed at innocent kids... REALLY chapped me, and made me worry to be honest... what if I found out my kiddo was allergic? Do I need to ban them from eating anything you provide because you might decide to 'test' their allergy? Really seriously gave me the willies.

So... yeah, I'm not Veggie (some meals but that's just 'cuz they're tastey that way!)... but I don't judge others because of what they do or don't put in their mouth... more concerned about what comes out of it!

Wow... that rambled a bit huh? Sorry about that. I'ma copy that list out though, so thanks for sharing Hereford.

Edit... we finally got around to watching Food Inc today... both kiddos were kinda urk on some bits... but DS got downright MAD about how Monsatan was treating people... that's my boy.
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x10 there... sometimes I think "Poor Andy just doesn't know what he's missing"... of course, I also think "More for me"

Ken hates chicken so I roast one a week FOR ME.

x2 I actually laughed out loud:lau
I was vegan for two years to work on my borderline cholesterol and loved it but then thought I was missing out on the omega 3's so now I eat fish a few times a week for the past 4 years. I don't want to eat anything with which I could possibly develop a relationship. As an animal lover it was convenient to regard livestock differently from pets but once I wasn't eating livestock any longer I realized I was happier to eat a diet that didn't require an animal's (okay land animal) death. I also don't miss that super stuffed feeling you can get after a large dinner with lots of meat. There are tons of after the fact benefits to my pescetarian diet and the only food I really miss is eggs...
I saw today how turkeys are treated. I was looking for info on turkey processing and found a peta video on cruelty to turkeys from 2008. I pray to god that was somehow fake. I love meat but I will now really think about where it came from. I could see how if you saw enough of that you would not eat meat. Dh could not even finish watching it. Opened my eyes big time. No I decided I could not process a turkey.
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