Curiosity has the best of me - Vegetarians.

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pineapple, I have to agree with you. I really don't judge or alienate anyone for eating how they want to. we raise cattle for a living, i have a hard time at times eating a cow I know I worked with, saw had a baby, or nursed back to health, just to put her in the freezer. We all have to make the choice of what we want to eat and why we decide not to. I guess my main point of putting the list up was because since we do raise cattle, we have had opportunities where people judge us for doing what we do, without thinking of what they receive from that very animal that they are condemning us for.

I have not watch food inc., because i have such a compassion for animals, and really can't fathom anyone treating them any different than i would, as i describe it, in my bubble, the animal is treated just like i would treat it prior to putting it down, if i could put it down. ha ha ....

this has been a very interesting thread. I have high cholesterol, have had iron issues in the past and have recently worked with having digestive issues. choosing a diet that works well with my health and with my values is a balance i work with every day.

I actually cooked steak tonight for my dh, i ate some and while i was eating it , i thought about all of what i read today. didn't dare tell dh anything that i read, he has a harder time excepting people for who they are and i just didn't want to debate this tonight. that will be another day.

all in all I love my cows, chickens, and the deer in my back yard.

to each his/her own, and i respect that everyday...

blessings to all.
One of my daughter in laws doesn't eat pork or beef and when I make Calico Beans I just leave the bacon out of a portion of it for her. I have a tiny crockpot that I put hers in while ours go in my big one. Sometimes I'll put some turkey bacon in hers, but she likes them just as well without.

I failed...

I am sorry vegetarians. I started out this morning planning on making vegetarian calico beans... But but but after Katy suggesting of Turkey bacon... I decided no I just want to make the beans healthier (No bacon or ground beef).. So I added 1 package of Organic free range ground chicken meat seasoned with chilipote to give it a smoky bacon flavor. Yes , I am 100 percent sure the birds were happy and healthy, even as I carried those excess young cockerels I could not give away from this springs hatch to the killing cone that fateful day about a month ago....

I strongly dislike the process, but for me it is way way more honest/ethical for myself when and if I eat meat that has be raised and slaughtered by me. Again IMO, This way I am not passing the "dirty work" of the deed on to someone else. This way I need to suffer the realness of what is involved in eating meat..

Honestly though with what people eat and the reasons they do it is their own buisness and not mine! I have no right to say what someone else does is better or worse than what I do..

Sorry Vegetarians... If my post grossed you out.. I apologize, I am not trying to be mean or convince any one of any thing..

I have considered becoming a vegetarian for years. I even did a vegan diet for about a month. I can't say that it made any difference in my health. But my big hang up with a vegetarian diet is that there are no cookbooks that contain recipes that omit onions. I have never liked onions, and so many recipes seem to rely on onions for volume. I have had people tell me to substitute garlic for onions, but it just isn't the same kind of volume as onions are in a recipe.

So someday I should write a cookbook with onion free vegetarian recipes in it. Until then I am still eating meat. I also am finding that cooking for one is not very fun or interesting. I also don't really get the vegan thing. I don't understand why a person wouldn't eat an egg. I completely understand not killing animals to eat, but milking them or eating eggs does not hurt the animal at all.

When I cook for the whole family, I will cook one type of meat and then will fix numerous side dishes of vegetables. I am blessed with a family that will eat just about any vegetable.
Okay....I'd rather give up meat than onions! And grilled steak at home requires onions and mushrooms cooked in butter....

Tomorrow night is a Thai ratatouille that is meatless. The recipe sounds so good....I also pick up my CSA tomorrow.
mom'sfolly :

Okay....I'd rather give up meat than onions! And grilled steak at home requires onions and mushrooms cooked in butter....

Tomorrow night is a Thai ratatouille that is meatless. The recipe sounds so good....I also pick up my CSA tomorrow.

Whats CSA?
Why do I do it? I KNEW, when I saw the steak comment, that coming back in here would just get me drooling and what do I do? I come back. I must be a glutton... for punishment.

Seriously some of these recipes are sounding VERY good.

Maybe we could start a topic in Recipes for that... or is there one?

Veggie Recipes that even a Die Hard Omnivore Can Love??

Not that I'm trying to weasel tastey secret recipes or anything... ahem.
C-Community S-supported A-Agriculture

It is basically a farm share. You pay up front for part of the crop for a farm, and you assume some of the risk if the crop fails. Basically, it allows the farmer to plan better and get the money in hand sooner. In our case it is a weekly box of organic veggies. Last week it was a variety of peppers, eggplant, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, onions, hard squash and zuccinni, collard greens, radishes and okra (which I swapped for more peppers and eggplant). I also have a CSA for beef; pastured Angus beef, raised by someone I trust, that I buy in 1/8 cow lots.
Sorry I have a very strong personal opinion here.... Again it is just my stupid opinion........................well here it goes:::::::::::::::

If one is vegetarian for "ethical" reasons, such as being opposed to killing animals for food.... They are not being honest with themselves.... Just what do you think happens to that battery hen after the few short months she is off her peak laying eggs? What happens to the millions and millions of young cockerels they hatch in the process of getting those hens to produce eggs?
An egg may not have blood on it, but plenty of blood was spilled in the process. (Killing cockerel chicks, killing spent hens)
Same with all dairy products. Once done milking the cows are killed, the calves sired to freshen the cows are slaughtered also...

SO IF one is ethically concerned about these things and want to not partake in the "bloodshed" Being a strict Vegan is the only "ethical" choice.

Vegetarians still have blood on their hands even though they do not eat meat. (All be it less than the meat eater.)

Maybe we could start a topic in Recipes for that... or is there one?


My SIL is a spectacular vegetarian cook... Even the Raw food she makes is super appealing and delicious. (I find that Raw some how fills you up more and is more satisfying.) Nuts, nuts and more nuts are the key IMO​
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