do you call your chickens to you?

Actually, I just call "Chick Chick Chick???!!!!" and usually they all come running as fast as they can. We do have names for our Roos and some of our Hens so they will come if you call their names sometimes (I know, I'm not kidding - I wish my dogs listened as well) sometimes just making a hen noise will also bring them along. You'll have to experiment with your group and see who actually likes what sounds or group of sounds.
"c'mon girls" "my girls"

they always come running from where ever they are in the yard.
The girls know "Here Chooks Chooks Chooks!!" or "Quack, quack, quack" Yes, they respond to duck sounds.

The roo, depends on what he's up to. If he's got a tasty bug, ho hum. If it's DH, yeah, whatever. If it's me - ZOOM! Yes ma'am, how may I worship you???

Or if you want insta-response, shake the treat can. You won't be able to take a step without tripping over a bird.

I tried naming them, but they learned EVERYONE else's name, but not theirs. So, meh, I just call 'em chooks and roo.
I remember my Grandmother calling " Chick Chick Chickeee!!!" so that's what I do although it really isn't necessary. Most are standing there looking at me by the time I get off the porch.
Mine usually come running when they hear the door open or see me crossing the yard (whether I have anything for them or not), but when I need to call them, say, out of the neighbor's yard, then I shake some BOSS in a cup and call, "Chick chick chick!" My nickname for them as a whole is "bock-bocks." My nickname for my devil roo Lakenvelder is "You piece of &*&^%$$!"
I taught the first ones to associate my "here chicky chicky" with treats; now they are right there when they hear the door close. I think the mamas teach the little ones....
They hear the sound of the back door opening and come running like they have a monster on their butts! Have I mentioned they get the oh-so-occasional treats? hehe

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