do you call your chickens to you?

My adult birds come to "C'mon Girls!!!" (Don't tell my roo Thor he's not a girl).

The younger flock comes to "C'mon Babies!"

My three chicks come to "ChickaTEERSSSSSSSSSSS!"
If you stand and toss feed on the ground at the same time that you call them, sooner or later they will associate your call with the scratch being tossed on the ground. Then they'll anticipate the scratch and come running when they hear you. Just like Pavlov trained his dogs to salivate when he rang the "dinner bell". It's called a conditioned reflex.
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We use "chickchickchick"... we start calling them that when they're day olds, giving them treats and goodies. I also call the chickchickchick call when I'm "pecking" at their food when they're just learning to eat...

By the time they're adults, they've learned that's what I call them when we feed - so here they come running! So cute with their tail feathers wagging in the wind!

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