Curved spine?


7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Far Northern California
I have a hatchery WH girl that I noticed a couple months ago has a 'crooked' tail. She walks funny too. No one else has this issue and I have 25+ ducks. She pretty much keeps up with the others but it certainly takes her more effort off the water. And in the past couple months it's gone something wrong with her we all notice something is wrong. So it was more sublte a few months ago. She is just now a year old.

Does anyone know anything about this? Is it painful? Could it have been caused by something I did or is more hereditary/genetic? My biggest concern is - is it painful? I am willing to let her live her natural life as long as she is on not in pain. I would feel horrible about that. Her name is Maggie May and she is my girl. :(

I have a hatchery pekin drake that has a very crooked spine.He started showing signs around 2-3 weeks old (he is a year old now.).His was so bad he couldnt even walk at times, he had to stay in the house in a box for a week or two at a time.Now he runs around with the others it just takes him more effort to do so.I wouldnt think it had anything to do with what you've done.Probaly a birth defect and if she is active and keeping up with the others i wouldnt think she is in pain.
Hi, zooweemama

I think it's called wry tail. I don't think it's painful, and I think it is inherited so you wouldn't want to hatch any of her eggs.
I am going to do my homework on the veterinary formulary to see if glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM can be administered to avian species. I pay enough for the membership, might as well put it to good use. Anytime anybody has any questions they need answers to out of a veterinary formulary, let me know. I would be more than happy to find what you need.

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