Cute pics of a first time chicken owner


11 Years
Apr 4, 2008
Here are a few pics of our new flock. We have 13 buff orpingtons and 2 barred rocks I think. Enjoy.

Here they are in their temporary home until my husband finishes the other end of the tractor and gets our permanent coop done. Hopefully this weekend.

Here's my daughter with her friend. She would spend all day in the coop if we would let her. It's been too cold to have them outside but we have them in the coop under a 75 watt light bulb until it's done being ishy cold out.

Another pic of the buff orpington, they are my favorites.

My husband had to have a couple black and white barred rocks?? so they ended up in the carrier with the rest. Does anyone know what causes the bald spot behind the eye???A few of them have this.
NOOOOO......I was hoping that wasn't the case, I really want layers. If there are too many roos I will have to get more and I don't know if I want to do that or do you tell and can you tell if there are ANY hens???
From someone who had supposedly boughten a straight run and didn't want them. I picked out the healthiest ones they had. If you want a closer look I posted closer up pics of them all.
Were they sold to you as pullets or as straight run? If they were sold to you as pullets I'd go talk to whoever sold them to you. Not that it will probably do any good.

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