cutest chicken names!

Love all the names.
My children, who have twisted senses of humor, gave our chickens food names. (Even though they are for egg laying.) Lol
1. Bleu "Baby Bleu"
2. Nugget "Nugs"
3. Parmesan "Parmmy"
4. Dumpling "Dumpers"
5. Cashew "Cash"
6. Marsala "Marcy"
7. Kung Pao "Pao Pao"

4 newest ones were very big eggs and bigggg chicks, the one close to the camera is Chub, to the far left pudge, Blue splash yellow is mudge, to the far right is Chunk.

All my chicks in house, left corner 1. Greyfin, 2. Greytel, 3. Chunk, 4. (blue dot means store bought) Brenda, 5.Chub, 6. Greytah, 7. Mudge, 8. Black Betty, 9. Blanche, 10. (hiding) Pudge.
We have 9 total - 1 rooster 8 hens (7 BO, 1 white leghorn)

Rooster- King Leonidas

Hen 1- Lil Momma
Hen 2- Lil Momma
Hen 3-Lil Momma
Hen 4-Lil Momma
Hen 5-Lil Momma
Hen 6-Lil Momma
Hen 7-Lil Momma
Hen 8 (our only leg horn out of all BOs) - Louise
All of mine were developed over time and have reasons behind them.

My RIRs:
Hattie- she has a darker spot on the top of her head off to the side that looks like a little hat, plus she is the smartest and first to attempt flight, escape, and friendliness. She seems like a leader since everyone else copies what she does. She reminds me of Haddie from NCIS L.A..
PJ- stands for plain Jane because she has no discernible markings and she tends to just blend in to the flock.
Butterfly- my eldest son named her that because he swears the mark on her head looks like a butterfly...I don't see it, but I let him have it.
Nelly- because of all my chicks, she was the first to have tail feathers. I kept calling her tail feathers until my husband pointed out the song by Nelly called Tail Feathers...thus, she became Nelly (just in case she is a rooster too...haha!)
Dot- because she has a dot on her head and she is a little nutty like the character Dot from the Animaniacs.

My Barred Rocks:
Angel- she has a white spot on her head that is perfectly shaped like an angel...or a penguin, but that didn't fit her.
Fluff- because she is just this black grey ball of fluff still...I may switch it to cumulonimbus after the cloud and just call her Nim or Nimbus for short.

I also have two black sex links that I just got. They will remain nameless until something pops out and sticks.
My daughter named ours. Rosie the rhode island red, Betsy the barred rock, Sally and Susie the black stars, Gertie the red star, and Maggie the Delaware.I have no idea where she got the names from but hey it works lol.
Update! Our garden is complete!

Light Brahma - Daffodil "Daffy"
Black austrolorp - Petunia
Gold Star -Rosie
Cochin - Lavender
BO - Sunflower
RIR - Tulip
Barred Rock - Iris


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