cutest chicken names!

Great names! I'm sure I'll use a few of those.
My favorite was my sister-in-law's "Chester the Molester".... you can probably guess how he got his name.
Most of my hens have old lady names:
Penny (Of course)
Bonnie Mae
Betty Sue
(^^ Adult Rhode Island Red Hens ^^)
Nevil (The devil)
Miss Meanie
(^^ Adult Mutt Hens ^^)
(^^ Adult Buff Brahma Roosters ^^)
(^^ Adult Americauna Rooster ^^)
Galilahi (Means "Attractive" in Native American)
(^^ Mutt Babies ^^)
I had a bunch of old lady names I was going to use, but one looked like a "Sugar". Which made me think of the "Archie's" song, Sugar, so I ended up with Sugar, Honey, and Candy and I can sing about all three. plus Archie, and Dave. Dave I just through in there. I have 2 more eggs to hatch, maybe I will get a Betty and Veronica as well.

Candy, Honey, Archie, and Dave. Below is Sugar.
Aww! I have 3 turtles. I named them Larry, Curly & Moe. Waiting til my peeps are a little older before I name them.
Several years ago, in my first big flock, we had an Australorp hen who was really sweet and would always "squat" on the ground to let people pet her. My brother was in grade school at the time, and since he'd apparently chosen that hen as one of "his" birds, he'd always tell us "Hey, that's my chicken, BE GENTLE!"

So, her name became BG, for "be gentle" :)
We seem to have a Norse theme mostly.
We have sebrights
Sif and Odin( blind in one eye) silver sebright hens.
Frigga and Sigyn golden sebright hens
Baldor and Loki golden sebright roosters
Adam - silver sebright hen( thought she was a boy)
Nimue - blue bantam Cochin
P.J. Soles- black bantam Cochin
Ishtar- buff Japanese bantam
Angry Bird- white Japanese bantam
Napoleon and Josephine- Old English game bantams.
We also have crested ducks
Rousalka, Villi, Nixie, Vinka and Pinhead.

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