cutest chicken names!

Our pretty princess is spending the weekend with us. Our granddaughter just turned three and very much into the Disney Princesses. This weekend she went with us to buy 6 babies and she called them her princess birds and named them accordingly. We have three production reds and they are Ariel, Anna and Jasmine and we have three BO's and she named them Cinderella, Elsa and Aurora. They will join our two pullets - Long Neck and Sweetie and our three hens - Precious, Molly and Henny Penny -- what a combination you get when the grandchildren name the chickens.
My New Hampshire red was Jemimah, my buff orpington was butterscotch, and my easter egged was biscuit. I say was, because I gave them to a friend of mine so I could start over with baby chicks. I gotta figure out some new names soon though! I used up my favorite ones!
This is one of our Polish pullets. Her name is Lady Gaga. Some other notables- our 3 silkies- Daisy, Daffodil & Delphinium, DJ Lance Rock, Ming Ming, Pansy Justin & Bieber (my daughter named them). And a Rhode Island Red named Megan- named after my friend Megan who is a red head from RI. ;)
HahahahHhahHHAAA!!! Lady gaga is so fitting :D
First post and our first time raising chicks,loving it so far.Our 6 year old granddaughter named our chicks,she went with a Disney characters theme,
Ms.Hattie and Agnes from Despicable Me, Ameraucanas
Elsa a Delaware and Anna a Golden Comet,from Frozen
Belle a Dominique, from Beauty and the Beast
Aurora a Black Australorp, from Sleeping Beauty.

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