Cutting down on wasted feed in the brooder?


May 7, 2015
Anyone have any suggestions? I've realized very quickly that these little buggers are a messy lot, and that I'm going to have to come up with something pretty darn quick to reduce the amount of waste, especially since I am using hippy-dippy, organic, non-gmo, milled feed and not pellets.

I tried putting the feeder into a round disposable pan, but it freaked them out every time they touched it.

Then I took the feeder out for a few hours in hopes that they would pick through what was on the floor of the brooder. They ate maybe half of it, but we were going out for the day and they are only 2 weeks old so I don't really know how much food they actually eat in a day (because they flick so much of it on the floor) and I didn't want to leave them without enough. So I took what was left in the bottom of the feeder (which was mostly the fine stuff that is left when you feed milled food) and made an oatmeal-type consistency with water and put it in an open dish. They walked on it so much that it got packed down into a cake and I kept having to break it back up with my fingers for them to eat it (ew).

Today I put the feeder on a round plastic plate. That caught some of the waste, but there is still a ton on the floor of the brooder. I'm halfway through a 25 pound bag of feed (5 chicks) in less than 2 weeks. We can't keep this nonsense up!

I've thought about making mini-pvc feeders with small pvc for the brooder, since I've read people having success with those types of feeders reducing waste in the run/coop. We will have to come up with a solution once they are outside, for sure, but even in the brooder it is out of control. Any other suggestions?
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Here's the ice cube tray FF chick feeder with one quarter in hardware cloth crimped over it so it easily slides off but still remains tightly in place so the chicks can't knock it off. It's glued onto two separate boards to both give it weight and to elevate it to keep shavings out of the food.
My FF made back slopped last night


After mixing

Smells like beer and looks like oatmeal.

Many different ways to make, but this is the easiest for me.
Here's the ice cube tray FF chick feeder with one quarter in hardware cloth crimped over it so it easily slides off but still remains tightly in place so the chicks can't knock it off. It's glued onto two separate boards to both give it weight and to elevate it to keep shavings out of the food. Thank you so much for sharing!
What sort of feeder are you using? Are they getting their feet in the holes and kicking feed out or are they "billing" it out with their beaks?

The first thing I would suggest is to raise the feeder up off floor level -- use a paver or other item to put the lip up to chest level (and keep raising it as they grow).
I use the kind of feeder that is long and has holes in it to stick their heads in. Do you know what I mean? It's just the kind that you buy at a feed store, nothing I made myself. I can get a link if you don't know what I mean. :) They can't really get their feet into it to pull the feed out. I also use hippy dippy feed, lol. :) They do still dump some of it on the floor of the brooder but it's not all that bad. It's mostly the pieces that are a little big for them to eat. I have 5 and 6 week old chicks (6 of them total) and I'm just finishing my second 10lb bag of feed.
I find the best way to cut down waste is by raising the height of the feeder with bricks and scrap wood as they grow. I try to get it as high as possible where everyone can still reach. That way they don't kick so much into it. I do the same with the water. I also use a deep layer of pine shavings so their bedding stays dry and I don't refill their feeder until I'm satisfied they made a good effort to clean up their mess. It got to the point I think they preferred to scratch for their food. Once they got big enough I took the feeder and set it inside a round tupperware bowl where the food couldn't be kicked out. When I refilled it, I'd pour the rest into the shavings so they could scratch some more. I have 4 Australorp chicks that are about 2 months old and they're still on their first 25lb bag of feed but they've also been eating fodder and dipping into the flock pellets.
Ive been using a homemade auto feeder. I cut a few holes near the bottom of a protein powder container then set it inside a pie tin. I haven't noticed significant waste from it so far. I have 12 two week olds and only had to refill the container once (though the second time will be tomorrow). It's not one of the huge jugs. Maybe 2-3x bigger than an ovaltine container.
Hmmm....ok. I might try the brick idea. I have a mason jar feeder from TSC (it's round and has about 8 holes around for them to eat from). I did notice that they weren't this messy when we first got them, but as they grow they are getting messier. I did try the pie tin but they totally freaked every time they touched it because it made noise, I think. I think I'll scrounge up 2 extra pavers laying around in the yard tomorrow for the water and the feeder and see how that works.


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