Cynthia and Julie: Blue Orpington, Ameraucana & RIR Babies!


12 Years
Mar 28, 2007
Memphis TN
OK here they are. I know it is to early to tell boy or girl but premature guesses would be appreciated.

Barred Rock, is kinda got some comb action going on, Boy?


Blue Orpington (Cyn this one is yours)





Blue Amer.



Black Amer.



Blue Orp babies from you both


Sorry my camera stinks!
Beautiful! That first blue orp at first to me looked like a splash...but it looks like its wing feathers are coming in all one even color....maybe a Lavender aka Self Blue bird.
Good Luck with them!
The BR looks like a girl to me from the coloring and the legs. The first Orp looks like a splash, but could be very, very light blue, and a boy, too, from the comb. I've never had a blue that light, though. I think we'll need pics a bit further away to really tell better in a couple of weeks. Too early to tell on the Ameraucanas. Finally, you got you some nice Orps! Congrats!
Crud! I knew that was a little man. Oh well I will just have to start looking for a home in case he really is a he. Ok I am glad you think Alma (thats her name) is a girl, I really like her.
I ended up with four Barred Rock girls from my last hatch (not all roosters, contrary to what people think, LOL). Their names are Maddie, Hannah, Holly and Bess. I like Alma for a name. I really do think that's a girl. Definite girl coloring right down to her toes.
There was a nun in a movie and her name was Alma so I thought since she is black and white what could be more appropriate. I have never forgotten that nun, isn't it strange the things we remember.

Oh and congrats on your girls!
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It is strange the things we remember, that's true. It's why my Nelda has her name, a name of one of my younger sister's friends' older sisters. Did I say that right, LOL? Anyway, it stuck in my brain for all these years. Her name was Nelda Knight, hence my Nelda.
Very cute babies. Second pic looks like a splash. Wish you had more RIR/s You have a good start on your Orps. Congrats and thanks for posting some pics. I always love to see how what you ship turns out.

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