Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Just sharing pics of my two favorite Call ducklings so far this spring. I got off to a late start - these are both 1 week old. A Self-Chocolate and a Blue Magpie. These babies were 3 years in the making!

my first to hatchlings for this year!
After a devastating weasel attack this winter I ended up with a drake and 2 ducks. They have produced 15 babies. They have been awesome co moms and I have now reintroduced the drake to the flock. All is again well in my little duck world. I have a couple that love to dive and swim in the water

After a devastating weasel attack this winter I ended up with a drake and 2 ducks. They have produced 15 babies. They have been awesome co moms and I have now reintroduced the drake to the flock. All is again well in my little duck world. I have a couple that love to dive and swim in the water

That is adorable! i'm sorry about your loses. Oddly enough, the guy i got my calls from had one too.
I know the feeling...mine wasn't a weasel attack but a coon got into my Lavender Bibbed Project pen and nearly wiped me out. I was devastated to say the least...I LOVE MY BABIES! I was lucky enough to save a pair from that pen and the group had already started laying this year before it happened which gave me three little ones to work with. It's just horrible though to work on something for over three years only to have a stupid critter come in and destroy everything! The worst is the guilt over not making absolutely SURE nothing could get into the pen. I thought they'd be safe and I was wrong. Poor babies.
what makes them pet quality? Sorry I know nothing about ducks. She's selling 4 pairs, because shes just getting out of ducks and needs them gone, but I like this coloring lol

I'm assuming they're pastel based on the coloring of the two...they could be breeding quality as well but I can't really tell. I don't know much about the pastel coloring. They are VERY cute though! AND you got a crazy killer deal on them if they're healthy! Here's a couple pics of Pastel's that are considered show quality so you can get an idea of where you can go with the pair you have now and what you could work towards...IF that's what you're into. Nothing wrong with just having a few pet ducks to love and enjoy!!!

Notice the more compact bodies, round heads, tiny bills, short necks... you can see more really good examples of Calls on this site....http://www.sherborneducks.co.uk/index.htm... It's a great site with lots of great pics of REALLY gorgeous Calls!

I have one left to hatch, one died about day 24 in the shell, and one pipped external and died. So is the other one hatches and I get 6/8 then I can't complain. I know what the problem was in the incubator temperatures were too low for part of the incubation. the first one didn't come until day 27 and the others hatched on days 29 and 30.
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Does anyone have call babies that is willing to sell one, I have a very lonely baby girl she's a very small mallard and she's about five weeks old. She needs another ducky desperately.

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