Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Well I've got 12 call eggs under a broody hen and 6 now call eggs under a broody call hen. I've got 12 or so in the incubator. I'm so gonna be overrun in call babies!
EEEEEEEEE I hit Day 14 and I can hardly see into the shell! All I see are little wiggly babies. GAH, the wait is unbearable!

Here are the little wiggle-beans!

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i know.... the wait will kill ya.... but now mine are waking me up all hours of the night...peeping..."we're hungry...we're thirsty.....we're wet...".....lol, i can't wait for them to be out in the yard....lol......had to get up at 3 am to change bedding cuz they sloshed all the water out and they were cold....good thing they are in my room still....but.....WHEW do they stink!
I'm getting my gray call ducks next's week
How exciting!
Well I've got 12 call eggs under a broody hen and 6 now call eggs under a broody call hen. I've got 12 or so in the incubator. I'm so gonna be overrun in call babies!
well, they are half the size of full sized ducks so you'll only be partially over run
EEEEEEEEE I hit Day 14 and I can hardly see into the shell! All I see are little wiggly babies. GAH, the wait is unbearable!

Here are the little wiggle-beans!

That's impressive!
i know.... the wait will kill ya.... but now mine are waking me up all hours of the night...peeping..."we're hungry...we're thirsty.....we're wet...".....lol, i can't wait for them to be out in the yard....lol......had to get up at 3 am to change bedding cuz they sloshed all the water out and they were cold....good thing they are in my room still....but.....WHEW do they stink!
Oh, boy mine still do this and they are turning 6wks mind you get yourself some horse pellet bedding and toss some shavings with that it'll save money and bedding, honestly!
Can anyone help me with feeders? my almost 6wk old calls REFUSE to eat out of anything but this

I tried upgrading and they wouldn't eat! now, i know ducks hate change, but seriously? i mean they can eat out of it but really, your sorta past chick sized feeders lol
Going Quackers
I use the long chick feeders with the holes in the top. You have to fill three or four times a day, but the ducks cant get the feed all wet and packed in the feeder with them. Ducks are just messy to raise when you have them in a confined space.

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