Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Yeah! I just took this one of her, it's the best I could get since she's still TERRIFIED of my tablet. So I had to corner her in her nighttime crate, mwa ha ha! She really has become quite gorgeous. She just began getting her adult feathers, so when that's said and done hopefully she'll be as stout and chubby-cheeked as Wobbles! Oh, and also...you do not see the clutter on the nightstand...there is no clutter....*jedi hand wave*
Bean is beautiful!! Her blue is stunning!! And, I love the rust coloring she has just as much!!
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Haha, your so funny! Anyway back to bean! She is GEORGOUS, what would you call her, tri coloured? Black/blue pied? Anyway what she is she is beautiful!

She's blue pied, but she does have an insane amount of rusting. It's not a desirable trait in blues, but I don't mind it one bit. She looks like a little tortoiseshell duck, which is my favorite cat coat color, so I couldn't be happier. :p Apparently call ducks can't come in tricolor, I just learned that recently. Neat, huh? Genetics are so fascinating! 

Actually, calls do come in tri-color. It's just not a SOP recognized color. I had an adorable tri-color hen. She was white based with little dalmation spots of blue & chocolate. Her coloring was a result of crossing white & butterscotch.
That's nothing, female calls will also trill when they're happy. If you coo at her when she's sleepy she'll reply with some tribble noises of her own. <3 It's amazing how vocal abd varied female calls' sounds are. Now that I have a frame or reference I don't know how on earth I ever mistook Wobbles for a girl!
I'd love to hear the variety of sounds she makes. I bet they are cute. Well, your Wobbles was your first born so how would you know? My friend thought his WH was male for the longest time until he discovered an egg under her one morning. Now she's a brooding girl.
Yeah! I just took this one of her, it's the best I could get since she's still TERRIFIED of my tablet. So I had to corner her in her nighttime crate, mwa ha ha! She really has become quite gorgeous. She just began getting her adult feathers, so when that's said and done hopefully she'll be as stout and chubby-cheeked as Wobbles! Oh, and also...you do not see the clutter on the nightstand...there is no clutter....*jedi hand wave*

She's so gorgeous. I love the fine detailed feathering of her wings. She is extremely cute too.

Are she and Wobbles the same size yet? I am glad you are keeping them separated until his hormones calm down.

What nightstand clutter?? Where is it?

Have not posted in a long time. Silas is now quaking! He and I can possibly say he with confidence has a deep raspy quack the same as the sound of the majestic waterfowl male. My kids call it his full grown man quack! He is so cool! He goes everywhere I go. He so enjoyed our trip to lows yesterday. He sits up front and from time to time he will sit on my dashboard! He is well loved and is truly part of the family! I see all the beautiful pictures of the other ducks I am grateful to be part of the backyard chickens family.

Have not posted in a long time. Silas is now quaking! He and I can possibly say he with confidence has a deep raspy quack the same as the sound of the majestic waterfowl male. My kids call it his full grown man quack! He is so cool! He goes everywhere I go. He so enjoyed our trip to lows yesterday. He sits up front and from time to time he will sit on my dashboard! He is well loved and is truly part of the family! I see all the beautiful pictures of the other ducks I am grateful to be part of the backyard chickens family.
wait is silas a mallard or a call duck, i just saw ur post on the mallard thread?

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