Daily chicken photos ( Show off your birds photos)

Vorwerk sounds like a boss. In English I think we would use the term "Touches your heart." I just saw your thread on Vorwerk's frost bitten comb. The black skin does peel off as the comb heals. I have a cockerel who lost the tip of his comb due to frost bite, but his comb looks fine now, just a different shape. This winter I put petroleum jelly on the comb to protect from frostbite and it has worked. Probably many lip balms without menthol or any irritating ingredients would help provide a protective barrier for the comb, too.

aha, thanks for information. Touches heart. Ohh yea, only today find out when chickens heart is, cuz really feel when pick up one `scared` cockerel.
Talkin about my Vorwerk, in that first day when he had that ``blue, violet`` colouring i warmt his comb just to make blood circulate better, and in next day his comb was even hot, probably just after frost bite simtom, and now its looks pretty okey, so if u react fast and just make it warm and dont let him walk 2-3 days with cold comb after bite so it can recover. Of course if its not so worse.

Here is a photo of my n1 bird ,pet, rooster, took pic today(2 days after frost bite). As month round, I take a pic and weigh in.
2.7 kg in 9.5 months old.

Happy to see your Vorwerk recovered from frost bite comb! When I had hens with combs/wattles I made a mistake putting petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on my White Leghorn hen's comb/wattles. The next morning all the grease came off onto her head feathers and when she took a dirt bath the dirt stuck to all the feathers. She looked filthy and dingy until her next molt. I stopped using Vaseline and used Vitamin E oil to massage into the comb/wattles/legs/toes/toenails/beak! I did it at roost time so the vitamin dissipated into the skin of the hen. In the morning the chicken wasn't greasy, got a good vitamin treatment for her skin, and there was no dirt on the feathers from dust baths! No frostbite either!

I got tired of treating combs/wattles in cold weather so now all my breeds of chickens have no combs and none or very little wattles - Ameraucanas and Silkies. The Breda chicken doesn't have any comb at all. We had a Breda rooster shipped to us on accident and this is what he looked like - very sweet curious friendly calm bird for a boy but we couldn't keep him:
Quote: According to MyPetChicken.com Wyandottes are listed under Personality as "dominant." Tilly's Nest website had a SLW that was so mean to her flockmates the others were getting mean too. She had to re-home her after 6 months. Later she got a GLW as a chick and as a pullet is already disrupting the peace of the other pullets. You'd think they would've learned their lesson after the first Wyandotte upset the hen house. These girls need a LOT of space so more timid non-combative breeds can go run and hide from them. I think the mistake Tilly's Nest made with this breed is that it is not the most amenable for confinement in a small coop. It is a gorgeous breed!

My friends brown leghorn.
Those girls look just like my Harriet and Brooke! We just had a storm roll through and I went out to get a few pictures... I really wanted to get some of the hens all soaked cause they wanted to hang out outside, but my lens was fogged before I could get any good ones. Anyway, here are a few of mine from today.

Harriet is the EE and Brooke is the Wyandotte. We got them about 16 months ago at an Ace Hardware store. I, unknowingly, would soon learn about chicken keeping and grow to be fascinated and in love with the idea of keeping chickens not just for eggs for as pets as well. Harriet and Brooke are like two peas in a pod.

And these are our Gold-Laced Cochins we got at the NC State Fair last Fall. Lola has been secluded and healing, so I let her out every now and then and just keep an eye on how Harriet and Brooke treat her when they free range together.

Anyway, thanks for looking!
Just did a tiny photo shoot of my polish chicks wish I had taken them earlier! they grow faster then weeds!


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