Daily Routine

I don't do anything with the chickens until daylight (7:15). I go out, get them fresh water at the faucet. Put the water container back. Open the coop door, upstairs windows and latch them open, so they don't blow shut. Out go the chickens for the day. I use river sand in my coop, so I spend about 5 minutes scooping all the poop from under the roosts. I made a litter scoop buy cutting slits in a dust pan and put it on a 2 ft handle, so it's like a giant kitty litter scoop.

When I get home from work, or around 4:30pm I collect the eggs and then at dark I go out and close the coop door and windows. Done and done.

I made two feeders that hold about 6lb of feed each, and I have a dozen chickens, so I only have to fill the feeders once or twice a week. I just fill those with feed when I see they're almost empty. I have a separate container for oyster shell and fill that when I see that it's almost empty. I throw them veggie scraps, sunflower seeds, etc. every once in a while. I replace the pine shavings in the nest boxes a couple of times a month. I completely clean out the coop and replace all of the sand twice a year.

In the summer it's all the same, except I have a 5gal automatic waterer, so I don't have to get them water everyday since it doesn't get dirty, rodents can't get in it at night, and it doesn't freeze in the summer.
Wake up, let the girls out into the pen or backyard depending on the weather. On wet, rainy cold days the girls prefer to stay in. It also helps me keep my silkie a little dryer so she does not become soaking wet in the winter.

Check water and food levels. I have a heated water out side in the pen and a small water dish in the coop.

Collect eggs

Afternoon: Bring out a treat of vegetable\fruit\bread. Collect new eggs.

Late Afternoon: Lock the girls back in the pen if they are out side.

Night: Close the little coop door.

In the winter I change the shavings in the coop at least once a week. I did try the deep litter method for the winter but I think my coop is to small and I was worried about humidity and ammonia building up in the coop. In stead I keep it dry and clean.

I change water daily to a couple times a week depending on weather and cleanliness. I always keep it fresh and clean. I try not to let it freeze in the winter or get to warm in the summer.
How do you like the river sand as bedding?

I use sand as well - it's perfect for easy cleaning out. With 5 chickens it takes me less than 5 minutes a day (or even every other day) with a cat litter scoop. It's perfect in the summer, but feels very cold in the winter - the girls wouldn't stay inside standing on it, so I put a layer of wood shavings on top - toasty warm for their feet now, and they come in to shelter from the worst of the weather, whereas they didn't want to on the cold sand.

I've left plain sand under the roosting bar, where most of the poops are, as they don't stand there, so I've got pretty much the best of both worlds!
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6:00 am the auto door opens and lets them out to the run, auto waterer takes care of the water and auto feeder takes care of feed,3:00 pm collect eggs,6:00 pm auto door closes, clean poo on Saturday, done.
I put scratch in the nest boxes when they get droppings in them. Which does happen sometime. They then scratch and kick all of the muck out of the nest boxes.....leaving them nice and clean for me to add more bedding.

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