Dallas/Fort Worth?

I am!
Ponder to be exact
In Brownwood area now (May to be exact) but grew up in Fort Worth(Some days I miss Cowtown, then I walk out to feed the cows here and wonder "why?")
I currently live in Grand Prairie, suburb of Dallas, but our farm is in Hubbard, Tx, whiing ch is where we hope to have the chickens one day.

Currently, we are chicken-less...a little afraid of local laws and troublesome neighbors. But I am trying to learn all I can so I am ready when we move to the farm.

Mostly, I'm trying to learn which breed will be the best for our purposes, a good dual purpose breed for free-range and that will earn us some income and still be able to take the tremendous Texas heat on our basically treeless farm.

Spent most of my childhood in Highland Park . . . I am soooo happy to have left it, but I understand how other people can like that area.
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I'm an outlaw urban chicken farmer in Fort Worth. I guess my neighbors are pretty cool or pretty dumb about the local laws? I can sure see why there's so much confusion about it. I got 3 different answers from the city on the chicken code... one yes as long as their coop is 25 ft from every other neighbors house, another said yes as long as they are 50' from ALL houses including my own, and one said "I don't know. I'll have to call my supervisor". Turns out it was the 50' from everyone rule but I already had the coop and birds.

From what I've read, the marans are pretty heat tolerant. I have one sex link and three marans. The farmer told me he didn't loose any chickens the last two years due to heat. He said his secret is to give em some cold watermelon every day. My girls got an assortment of whatever was on sale through the heat. And I cut out the corn when it was so hot.

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