Damaged Claw! Help Please! Solved!

He is definitely not on top of the pecking order, but he acts like it. He is the true spirit animal of midgets, what is lost in height, is converted into anger. :lau Anyway, he will most likely gain his "mojo" back after his claw grows back, we will see.
Most likely he will, I have a rooster I got not too long ago and he thinks he's the best rooster in the world until the real boss beats him up for flapping standing really tall and crowing :lau


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Oh that's funny I once had a hen that wasn't ready to mate and a rooster tried dancing for her and she pecked him in the face :lau he never did it again🤔
One of my hens was the leader for a bit all the roosters could not be leaders so she took over, her names Lady a cuckoo maran

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