d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Yes he does have a lot of pens Cynthia and if you find yourself able to come down this way anytime before you order chicks or eggs, you really should try, I went to visit Aubrey and his birds about a month ago and the pics just doesn't do them justice, they are some cute little birds, I'll probably have to get some myself some time, I REALLY love the color of the Silver Quail hens, and I like the other mille and mottle varieties too.
AWWWWWW YOU GUYS ARE AWFUL! Now I may have to get a new breed! I suppose I may as well draw up divorce papers right away

I love it, dont get divorced over then though!

Yep we have 130 acres here, and if I had my way, it'd be all in birds. The main bantam run CURRENTLY is 24 stalls, but like I told RAREROO, when he was here, I am getting ready to add on another 30 just for d'anver projects and new bantam phoenix lines. 30 actually might not be good , probably will have to add more before it's over. Then there's all the peacock and wild turkey pens (1250 sq ft each) adds up pretty quick.
Anyway, everyone is welcome to come by anytime you're down this way!!
Hey Mark,
It's always been my experience, when introducing 1 or 2 at the time, they are single targets to the dominate "pen owners"
What I meant by do it all at once, was to add ALL the new birds to the pen together so that there are multiple "targets" This takes the pressure off just 1 or 2 newbies.
Your method or introducing them for a short period, then removing them, then another shot for a little longer period, should work too I am sure, especially for small amounts of birds, sounds logical. I handle a little more volume than most folks, I imagine, so the all at once deal works best for me, and seems to just blow the old pen boss's minds and they never mess with the new ones.
This works really well on my peafowl and wild turkeys, especially the turkeys. If I put just 1 new one in at the time, They'll kill it over night. I put 12 new 1/4 - 1/2 grown merriam turkeys in my breeder pen a week ago, and other than a little strutting and puffing, not a feather was shed over the deal.
I have a small flack of d'Anvers , Blue wing Quails and also plain Quails. Also crossed for Black tail buff and Black. My F1s are looking good. I feel I will have a good start when I cross for F2s. I can't figear out how to get pichers on this site. I would also like to get to now a few breeders for more out cross and color. Pleases anyone out their to help you also can email [email protected]
hey windymeadows,
That sounds great, glad to see others are working on colors with them too. If you ever have a specific questions, feel free to ask. As for the pics. Load them all into photobucket and them you have to use the image codes to put them up here.
Hey Mark,
It's always been my experience, when introducing 1 or 2 at the time, they are single targets to the dominate "pen owners"
What I meant by do it all at once, was to add ALL the new birds to the pen together so that there are multiple "targets" This takes the pressure off just 1 or 2 newbies.
Your method or introducing them for a short period, then removing them, then another shot for a little longer period, should work too I am sure, especially for small amounts of birds, sounds logical. I handle a little more volume than most folks, I imagine, so the all at once deal works best for me, and seems to just blow the old pen boss's minds and they never mess with the new ones.
This works really well on my peafowl and wild turkeys, especially the turkeys. If I put just 1 new one in at the time, They'll kill it over night. I put 12 new 1/4 - 1/2 grown merriam turkeys in my breeder pen a week ago, and other than a little strutting and puffing, not a feather was shed over the deal.

Thanks! Thats good to know.
Had my first lavender silver quail hatch today! well at least f1 stage , and just started getting eggs from what should be the final round on finishing the lavender cuckoos out, have good males on those, just needed females, so hopefully this will do it on them.
Also just got a porcelain egg yesterday, so it's time to get the barred crossing going on them now looks like, That way I can get it out of the way and get everybody some porcelain eggs or chicks going...

Cant wait to get all these guys perfected, It's kind of exciting to me with each step getting me closer, shoot even the first step on some!
Anyhow, just thought I'd share that tid bit...
That's great Aubrey, was the lavender silver quail chick , black like you predicted? I can't wait to see all these colors you're planning. GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!

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