d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Hey Aubrey If my Porcelain is indeed a male and the Mille Fleur and The Black Project Chick are both females what crosses would I get out of the three
Noob to D'Anvers so sorry for the dumb question
Thanks Cole

looks good for now at least, still too early to tell. Breed the mille and porcelain together and get more millies. No telling what that black will make, it has columbian, mottled, and possible birchen in it
the ginger red are the greyish bodied ones with pale faces
bb red's gone look just like columbian or your spangled ones for now, brown chipmunk
milles are the ones with tiny striped, pale to dark over all color, looks like you got some paler ones

some of those columbians are lavender based too, 1st pic top right corner is one of them, see the heavy chipmunk pattern to him. Top left and one in right center are the porcelians, they usually done have as heavy of a head stripe
Here are the16 babies that have hatched from the 36 mailed eggs. There were 7 still in the hatcher that have not pipped as of yet...not sure they will pip. Picked these up last night from Carl.
There are two Spangled OEGB in the bunch (Look like brown chipmunks)
I can pick out the black, Buff Columbian and the Porcelain, but am having trouble with the BBred, Ginger, Mille Fleur
They were running around the tube today chasing one with a fly it had caught! At one day old!!!

another picture of the same bunch

Also had to put this picture in...Red is a Catahoula and loves baby chicks...too bad you can't see the tail waggging and the eyes darting to each baby.
Aubrey, I am still trying to figure this out. I went through the eggshells after the hatch Here is what hatched, 1 blue red, 5 silver quail, 4 lavander,2 crele,3 black.

Here is what I have

Ones I think are blacks (black in back, front may be but thinking brown red)

Ones I think are lavander (lavender, bet that middle one is a lavender silver quail bet I miss labled one) see the face patch

Ones I think are silver quail (not silver quail, look like the blacks)

Crele, turned out to be a bb red, the other one was a little tiny black chick with a dot on his head had leg problems and didn't make it.
(still could be crele, they look just like that when finished, but with a faint head dot)

Blue red, was shrinked wrapped really bad, egg was completely zipped and it was stuck. Didn't find him till I was cleaning out the hatcher. I moistened it up got it out ans put it back in the hatcher not expecting it to live. Well the next morning he was running all over the place. Toes were a little crooked so I made a pair of boots for it and will see how it goes.

(hard to tell like he is, but looks blue red to me)

So by process of elimination I am missing 3 silver quails, a lavander and a black.

Here is what I have left

Columbians out of the silver quails ??????

(left is one of the pale lavenders I get from time to time, right, I betting columbian out of the silvers)

These three which should be a silver quail,a lavander and a black. Any Ideas??? ( silver quail far left, think the other 2 may be some of the crele stuff, center for sure, right may well be a silver too)

Thanks, Aubrey wasn't sure what I was looking at. But it should be more apparent in a couple of weeks. By the way that little blue red is looking good now. Toes are straight and looks bluer.
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Hi, JJ! Did you find any property in KY? Are you thinking of moving there some day?

Oh, I have my keepers now and only my keepers left. The rest of the D'Anvers and Coch'anvers, in addition to a Barred EE and a Delaware, as well as Rufus, believe it or not, are zooming toward KY as I type.

Here are Mille Fleur d'Anver pullets, Mina (8 wks) & Lucy (6 wks, heavily marked) with the two lav Coch'Anver pullets, Misty and Opal (6 wks), the BR pullet, Dru (8 wks) and the Delawegger cockerel I'm keeping to add to the main flock, Gideon (5 wks):


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