
Hi again all you lovely duck people!
Tomorrow a friend arrives for lonely Daphne! I found an Organic poultry farmer (pretty amazing for Abu Dhabi) who is giving me one!
Anyway, I have no idea how this is going to go.. Any advice on introducing them please?
If at all possible you need to arrange living space for each of them adjoining and divided by something they can see and hear through. Give them time in that space watching for any aggressive behavior and/or overt friendliness. They may hit it off right away or they may not. But given time and patience they will eventually at least tolerate each other. After a few days of divided life try some time in a large enough space with them together and supervised in case they should start to fight. Ducks in the desert has got to be on of the more adventurous things I have heard. Please let us know how things work our and if possible some pictures would be nice. Best of luck to you.
Keep them separated by chicken wire. Let them see each other and get to know one another safely. I'm working and can't type more..... Here's some people to give more advice!
@Debs Flock , @miss lydia , ,@casportpony ,@jtn42248
Good advise, once they have been side by side for 3-5 days start letting them be together while you are handing out treats. don't leave them alone unless they are getting along fabulously. They will become great friends but it takes time. Awesome you were able to find her a buddy.

Emily has arrived for Daphne. Daphne seems in charge and Emily sticking with her new boss.
Yes Miss Lydia!
Emily, the new arrival is sticking close to Daphne who is in charge and showing her the ropes of a household that also includes 2 dogs, two tortoises, two budgerigars and a cat!

Emily completely settled in and Daphne, whose legs are still splayed, trying to walk much more these days.
Emily flew for first time yesterday! Got stuck on a high wall!

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