
That is absolutely wonderful!!! has Daphne tried flying too? Are you able to find everything you need over there?
Your girls look great, content. I hope you're enjoying them as much as we are!
Today was a "feels like" temp of 58 c. That's 138 degrees Fahrenheit! I sprayed the hose a lot to cool the girls down and they spent the day in the pool. I wonder if anyone can tell me how to clip flight feathers?
And is it possible to post a video of Daphne walking to see if her legs are cure able?

Thanks all!!! C
When I post videos, I post to YouTube (make the setting public) then post the link here. @Debs Flock you just did this....

As for the wing clipping @Debs Flockand @jtn42248might be online to help...
Best pic on showing what to clip and clip only one wing
Today was a "feels like" temp of 58 c. That's 138 degrees Fahrenheit! I sprayed the hose a lot to cool the girls down and they spent the day in the pool. I wonder if anyone can tell me how to clip flight feathers?
And is it possible to post a video of Daphne walking to see if her legs are cure able?

Thanks all!!! C
Have you tried using a hobble with Daphne? it may help her keep her legs in proper position and train her to walk properly. Not sure since she is an adult but hey it would be worth trying
If done early on its just about 100%. Just don't hobble her too close, sorta like braces for your teeth, try a little at a time.
Her legs are very far apart compared to other duck. She sits down after walking a short distance only. It seems a struggle. When she sits one leg splays out to side. In pool she likes to stand on one leg and work one leg out to the side, like a ballerina at the barre.
Sometimes I put her in a deep pool but perhaps need to find a permanent one for her to access. Problem is I'm worried about the tortoises falling in

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