
I was under the impression that that needed to be done very early on?

True usually if done right after hatch is just about 100% but I would try now because what do you have to lose? it may help her to keep her legs in proper position long enough for her to gain strength to walk properly if not 100% maybe at least better. and you could always dump the deeper pool after she has her therapy but water therapy is great for weak legs. with deeper pool though you want to make sure is can get in an out safely can you cover it so the tortoises can't fall in?

Emily has arrived for Daphne. Daphne seems in charge and Emily sticking with her new boss.

Awe , wow what a great pet owner you are, they are like two pea's in a pod!! Precious.. They will give you & your family wonderful egg's.. Love their names, we have a dog Emily..here she is watching us BBQ ..
Today was a "feels like" temp of 58 c. That's 138 degrees Fahrenheit! I sprayed the hose a lot to cool the girls down and they spent the day in the pool. I wonder if anyone can tell me how to clip flight feathers?
And is it possible to post a video of Daphne walking to see if her legs are cure able?

Thanks all!!! C

Here is a link to a tree that will grow in hot weather.. It will provide shade & food for you & your flock..in the winter the cold will make all the leaves die back, but it will come back..
They have a gazebo, thank you. All our plants are in pots. Trees grow if they find ground water but near ones house that tends to be water pipes so not good.. The 'cold weather' is a drop to around 80f. And it rains around once every two years.. So trees not great. Lol
Muscovys are a duck that I have very limited knowledge of... That being said, females do express mating behavior with each other, mine do. I'm hoping some lamps will jump in here and help... So , basic things they'll ask... Ages? Curly tail feathers? Sizes/differences?
@jtn42248 @miss lydiayou folks around??
Muscovys are a duck that I have very limited knowledge of... That being said, females do express mating behavior with each other, mine do. I'm hoping some lamps will jump in here and help... So , basic things they'll ask... Ages? Curly tail feathers? Sizes/differences?
@jtn42248 @miss lydia you folks around??
Females do the hop on top too and act like drakes so that isn't always a significant way to decide. Did they actually mate, that is very obvious the drake male part is long and corkscrew shaped. if you can get some good pics of Daphne from side and front standing we maybe able to tell.
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