Dark brown egg laying breeds

OK, one of my co-workers who relieves me of the burden of excess eggs is enabling my chicken habit--she's going to be out of town at a training thing for a couple of weeks, and she dropped off a whole bunch of egg cartons for me and $20 for the Chicken College Fund.

If you get the Barnevelder/Welsummer/Pendescena assortment, I'll take one each. Otherwise, 4 of whatever. My super-broody Easter Egger will be thrilled.
Okay, I'm getting confused. I am in CT and will most likely be combining an Ideal chick order with DougD. I only want 4 or 6 of a couple of breeds that I couldn't get from McMurray. Rosalind, is that the order you'd like to go in on? I wasn't planning on ordering an assortment myself since I want specific breeds. Henry (hcammack) is in Maryland and is looking for someone down there to possibly combine and order with. I think. I've been reading the crocgirl files and my head is spinning.
Yep, that's it exactly--the order from Ideal you were talking about, if you don't mind splitting it three ways, I would like to get just a few dark brown egg layers. Except in one post you mentioned the assortment and then further down you were thinking about just the Barnevelders/Welsummers, so I wasn't sure which you were going to get.
Okay, so I confused you. Sorry! I definitely don't want an assortment. Now I'm thinking 2or 3 barnevelders, 1 or 2 welsummers and 1or 2 Russian Orloffs which is new to my wish list. I'd like to keep it to 6 total. Haha. I told DH 4 so we'd have a total of 12.
I called Ideal today because I looked at their site and it said sold out for everything I want for all the Feb. deliveries. The woman was very helpful and said that we can preorder and request delivery for when we want. Should we nail down a date soon and order?

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