Dark Cornish Crosses

@Fairview01 that dark Cornish hen has amazing color. I don't even know where to get a breeding set from. I'm going to have to start going to farm shows and auctions to begin meeting the poultry public.

That particular hen has placed BIS in many shows. I have her daughter also. These 2 and a cockerel were gifted to me by mentor to get me started in darks this this year.

Will send you a link.

Thanks Frank, I had planned on making an small isolated run and coop just for breeding. How many hens do you limit the rooster too?

Most every cornish expert will tell you 3 hens max. I will tell you that I routinely put six hens with my young cockerels. During hatch season i set 40 eggs every 7 days. When i experience more than 2 or 3 infertile eggs in the set the problem has always been with the hens. A rooster will have favorite hens in his harem that he will start visiting more frequently , sometimes to the exclusion of others. These hens are 'easy'. They dont protest his advances, they squat when hes close even if he has no intention to cover and they have a tendency to mill about him. When treats are thrown in the run they are the first to accept food from him. They are his floozies. The fun girls that never get to meet Mom. Rofl.

The other reason people have problems with the perception of high infertility are thin shells. Cornish seem to be prone to laying eggs with thin shells. These eggs are fertile but most die straight away because the shells are so thin before any noticeable embryo development. The solution is not just providing free choice oyster shell either.

Thats the jam up cock bird i got this weekend to go with the hen below

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