Dark Egg Breeds Thread

I actually hate guns, have only shot a handful of times but got that sucker in the first shot after I grabbed the gun from dad (and ran in the house to re-load!). It's amazing what you are capable of when something is killing your birds. Granted I was only about 10 feet away from the nasty bugger, but still . . .

I'm the same way. I don't want to harm a fly. Well actually... that's an exaggeration. I hate flies-I find new ways to kill them all the time. But anything besides flies, I'm a big baby about. And one thing that is sad in California is that over the last 30 years all over the state the out-of-control housing development has displaced wildlife in some of the most wild and beautiful areas.
However... while I've never seen a cat here because the parcels are small, cats are indigenous to the area and I know that if a larger predator ever threatened my mares (particularly my older mare who has been with me now for 20 years
) I doubt I would hesitate for more than a couple seconds before I dispatched it.
I've heard it is illegal to shoot a cat here under any circumstances. You are supposed to let authorities handle any cat issues. But I sure wouldn't be reaching for phone first if I thought one of my mares was going to be harmed.​
I have some 3rd gen in the bator dozen and 1/2 and I have eggs too.
LOL I will not be keeping all of them if they all hatch so if you want some just let me know. I'll bring them up to ya'll. Same with eggs if you want any for free. you have helped me out when I needed eggs and roos and such so it's my turn to help you.

No problem! Just let me know they are due to hatch around the 23 of Nov. Their eggs are a lot darker then what they where hatched from. The only lighter one I have has very dark specs (large specs) all over the eggs. Background color the same as the eggs I got from you. I think I'm going to start showing some of my chickens Local shows only and going to use Cajun the Wheaten roo I got from you to replace mine.

here is a pic of some of those eggs the one in center(bottom) is one of my light blue Marans to compare with.
Cajun will be the daddy one the chicks to hatch. Can't wait! Forgot these have been washed and are of our eating eggs I have the darkest eggs in the bator. No flash poor light (stove light) Sorry not best pic.
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hatching in feb or march i waited almost 8 months for them to mature and lay eggs , last year we got 5 ft of snow in one storm but normaly we get only a few 8 inch snows but we get the cold........,,,,Jan,,, feb and march are the coldest and we get alot of rain and some snow .........

Mine take about 6 1/2 to 7 months. I assumed with my first two gens that they were laying late because they hatched in July and they were waiting until after winter to lay. But my clutch this year hatched at the end of March and they took almost as long to start laying. About 6 to 6 1/2 months.

8 months is on the long side. When did they hatch? You have real cold winters don't you? I think I remember a picture you posted last winter with lots of snow.

The weather here in the winter is mild compared to most places. Bloody awful in the summer though...
i am glad there laying darker , i am back breeding them and cross breeding them for that reason (i hope)i am Envious , your right down the street with the same stock and your getting nice nice eggs ,,,
its going on 1 month since i got eggs,,,, i will hang a timer light in the coop this weekend like u , or just replace your birds one nite with mine lol , dont shoot if u see a flashlite in the coop at your house ,,,, take care all ....sin randy


No problem! Just let me know they are due to hatch around the 23 of Nov. Their eggs are a lot darker then what they where hatched from. The only lighter one I have has very dark specs (large specs) all over the eggs. Background color the same as the eggs I got from you. I think I'm going to start showing some of my chickens Local shows only and going to use Cajun the Wheaten roo I got from you to replace mine. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/46537_update_blrw_chicks_breeders_007.jpg
here is a pic of some of those eggs the one in center(bottom) is one of my light blue Marans to compare with. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/46537_eggs_and_lav_guineas_001.jpg Cajun will be the daddy one the chicks to hatch. Can't wait! Forgot these have been washed and are of our eating eggs I have the darkest eggs in the bator. No flash poor light (stove light) Sorry not best pic.
this should make you really happy
I had 6 dozen in frige and got 10 eggs tue -5 in the am and 5 in the pm. the marans -blue,cuckoo,wheaten all lay a egg everyday to every other day. my olive egg layer lays lg to xlg eggs everyday. I'v gotten some eggs as dark as you would see from a bcm from the wheatens. also my splash wyandottes have started laying at 4 1/2 months old so they add to the egg count too. my blues wyandottes should start laying soon too. when that happens I'll be giving eggs away.Lol like I said I have more then enough to share . I did mine did candle lastnight so far all are good.

to be fair mine did take a month off at diff.times. after everyonr hqad a break I put lights on then. oh if i see light in coop you better be adding to the flock! Lol it has been cold up here at night we have been in the 20's at night already so I'm sure lights would work for you.
Hey gang,
On the shooting preds or trapping in steel jaw traps....

Invest in some live traps.. (Cage traps) They work great, and you can dispose of your catch in the manner you see fit. (Like drop it off in the neighbor you don't likes yard....

lol i agree,,,, we have a haveaheart big enough to trap a bear, we had one critter that got the taste of blood and wouldnt stop ,,,,,,, i have marked and taken coons and possum 3 miles away and they return . ,the birds i have only free range with me around and a kimber lol
but yes your right

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Newbie question- maybe the answer is already here somewhere?

I'm looking for a broad comparison of marans vs welsummers vs penedesencas. Assume good lines from reputable breeders. What would be the pros and cons of each re: color, consistency, lay rate, egg size, temperament, etc. Thank you!
rarebreedeggs4u posts on this site and she has all three breeds- I think she is posting on the Pene thread right now
Pinkchick has both Wellies and Marans
I think Josh44 has all three

Pinkchick! Calling Pinkchick

I only have Marans. They lay very nice eggs. Mine have good temperament. They are fairly laid back and easy to handle and pick up They run up to me when I come outside. They never wander too far when they are out loose. They always go back to their coops on their own when the sun goes down. My Roosters vary. Some of mine are just perfect gentlemen and some are a little aggressive. My experience is that you will get darker eggs from Marans if they don't lay very frequently. I get about 3 to 5 eggs a week from my hens. They are average size birds.

No problem! Just let me know they are due to hatch around the 23 of Nov. Their eggs are a lot darker then what they where hatched from. The only lighter one I have has very dark specs (large specs) all over the eggs. Background color the same as the eggs I got from you. I think I'm going to start showing some of my chickens Local shows only and going to use Cajun the Wheaten roo I got from you to replace mine. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/46537_update_blrw_chicks_breeders_007.jpg
here is a pic of some of those eggs the one in center(bottom) is one of my light blue Marans to compare with. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/46537_eggs_and_lav_guineas_001.jpg Cajun will be the daddy one the chicks to hatch. Can't wait! Forgot these have been washed and are of our eating eggs I have the darkest eggs in the bator. No flash poor light (stove light) Sorry not best pic.

Nice Wheaten Eggies!!

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