Dark Egg Breeds Thread

Really cool dark eggs. What kinds of chickens make them? We are new to the forum abd my 7 year old son is really excited about dark eggs. we have raised various others and planning to 're-coop- soon. Any advise on what kind of chickens? Also, where does one buy cacao pods. very cool.


Thank you if you are referring to the eggs I posted a photo of on the previous page. They are Marans eggs.

You ask about cacao pods.....are you referring to chocolate eggs?

Thank you if you are referring to the eggs I posted a photo of on the previous page. They are Marans eggs.

You ask about cacao pods.....are you referring to chocolate eggs?

Hi Pink,
You should be a good one to advise on dark egg layers. Don't your Welsummers lay a pretty dark egg too????
The new layers from this year have given me mixed results but only a few eggs so far & everyone (all BCMs) are housed together so I don't know who ig giving the eggs at this point. Nothing so far has been any lighter than what I started with so that's a good indicator. I have one really dark one that was not separated out because she shows no color on her hackles & we probably guess she wasn't a BCM. I think she may be one of Ruth's (Monique) girls. If I remember correctly they are full bodied & present pretty black. Black Copper Marans & Wheaten Marans are my darkest layers of course.
Has this thread breathed it's last? I was hoping it would still be going. Cleaned out and no longer have my old flock, and am brooding 11, 1 month old BBS copper Marans (hatching eggs) from crfarm, and have 12 Welsummer eggs from Ruth coming on Thursday. Can't WAIT to have eggs (DARK eggs) again! I'm drooling over everyone's photos of their dark eggs and beautiful birds.
Pink, how are your Barnies?
I am still reading to get to the most recent posts-very good information

We have Cuckoo Marans, Blue Copper Marans and Welsummer chickens, we keep the cuckoo's housed separately from the other 2 otherwise we wouldn't be able to tell the Wellie eggs from the cuckoo eggs.

I'll have to see about getting a few pictures!
Hi Don,
I know you do a lot of culling before selecting Wheaten's for keepers, how is your egg color holding up as you select for type.
Thank you,
Joe, Mostly the egg color is about a #6 and some of the hens lay the egg with the bloom and have found these do not hatch for some reason. I have satisfied with a #6 egg in any of the Marans.

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