Dark legs = Australorp right?

I'm still leaning towards Jersey Giant as that was the closest match to a chick pic with dark legs so far.
Lanissa I don't think it is Iowa Blue since there is NO white on my chicks.. I think perhaps you saw the flash on the wingsto=ips... that was pure camera flash.. There is no other color but black on these chicks.
Well, you can give Ideal a call or shoot them an e-mail and ask if they have had Jersey Giants? Wouldn't hurt
I looked at Ideal's site and Jersey Giants are listed under "Giants" but they say sold out until fall. I do know that they sometimes have a small quantity of the "sold out" birds, so I think it is possible
Yea prolly my luck Krista... I get the bottom of the barrell again!

I don't care their all too cute to throw out with the bath water!
I had an solid black Australorp chick head to toes. My Giants were black with white chests and light gray legs as chicks so it can go either way. I think that's true for any black colored chick they may or may not have white as juveniles.

Australorps are supposed to have pink skin on the soles of their feet and Giants are supposed to have yellow. That could be an indication.

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