Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

Well we didn't see her much she is in band and only seen her for 4 minutes we are meeting her to eat but she has friends with her so I guess she is doing that on purpose so I can't ask her questions. She won't tell me what she did or who it was with but it was before she left home. I just hate it all! I am trying to do my best not to judge her and put her down now. I will let you know after we leave here!
She works hard and has a full ride accedmic scholarship and some for sports. She knows she has worked hard to get this far. I just worry I loved that boy and knew where they were and I trusted that boy with everything.
I know that is why I worry she is young! I don't know I knew they were young but he fit in so well and just loved our family and all. I just didn't think she would do that. I am not surprised they broke up it was how fast she did it after she left and then finding this out! I just worry she will mess up her life.

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