daughter keeps a headache since she gave birth 2 weeks ago

Yes, follow your instincts! We know the parents of the woman who died, and they are beside themselves.

If your daughter thinks you are over reacting and she's right, then this will be something that from time to time, you both will look back on one day and chuckle.
If your daughter thinks you are over reacting, and she's wrong, it will be a tragedy you will never get over.
Better to err on the side of caution!
my dad brought a good point.that it maybe post pardum depression.(sorry for the spelling... he used to work in the emerganyroom as a medic in the airforce)... still gonna try to get her to go to the er
Mine came early too and I had a host of physical issues come up simply because of the stress and the strain my body had been through. It is amazing how much damage 24/7 stress and poor sleep because of the stress can do. She does need to see her doc but hopefully its simply the stress she is under.

If she is worries about blood pressure you can get the wrist cuffs at Walgreens or any of those type stores. Some of the other mentioned clots. She wants to keep an eye out for swelling in the leg and do leg pumps. Mostly through the blood clot worry is after c sections so at least that lessens her risk a bit.
I had a headache that lasted for weeks after HELLP syndrome and preeclampsia ended my last pregnancy. It was vicious.

It took months for it to go fully away. I did have a complete head scan a few times.
I certainly hope that she has gone to the ER. with my first child, 7 days after the birth, I had a pounding headache and started shaking. I thought I was going to drop the baby I was shaking so bad. I had pre-eclampsia POST PARTUM. I was in the hospital for almost 1 week on an iv drip so I would not have a seizure. it's very dangerous. so don't mess around, go to the er and get checked if her dr won't see her. if it happens with the first baby, she may get it with baby number 2. getting it postpartum is rare but just as serious.

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