Day 19... all has been well


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
moving, happy, kicking, till tonight... temp has been the same the entire time... in my homemade box.. i added more water this morning to help the humidity.. but nonights red veins look dead... did i lose them? They arent moving, but look to be more full in the egg now, but the red veins are all splotchy and just BLAHG.. that is supposed to be Tonights red veins.. but it wont let me go back and correct it.... WEIRD!
well.. everyone must be out chasing chickens... nevermind, ill just wait and see if tomorrow is hatching day or funeral day.
still no change, no movement.... i think they are gonners..... HOWEVER.. good news... I bought an incubator in Ebay today! should be here in a few days.
Give 'em a few more hours - you might be surprised...


It's hard to wait.....btdt. Best wishes!
yeah ill give them a couple more days .. but they dont move, nothings changed at all.. same size.... i think they are lost!

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