Day 19. Anxiety

Thank you all for being so lovely. I will hold out a while and see what happens <3

Send pics of newbies to keep us all going through the tough times 🐥🧡

B x
Sorry to hear things are still quiet. I’m really hoping for you!

Mine are fluffy now. I took a family photo.
That's encouraging. Did you candle them? x
I have hatched 6 of 7. One of my hatched i was convinced was going to drown because the air bubble was so small on day 18, because my humidity was set very high throughout the entire process. I'm giving more time for this last one. I did candle it and there wasn't movement.
Any updates on your end?
I just had another malpositioned chick die in the shell. I did the float test on my remaining eggs and 1 is still viable. As of now it is day 24 and I have 6 good looking chicks, 5 of which hatched on day 23, one on day 24, and one viable unpipped egg. I started with 18 total, 16 made it to lockdown (though some were dark eggs that looked viable but I couldn't exactly tell.)
I don't think my 2 are going to make it. I am leaving them in there today and will water test tomorrow (day 23) if nothing is happening. It's sad, but I guess with a dodgy inc (low temps) I didn't have great odds with that number of eggs anyway. 😔

I now have my Brinsea with 7 gorgeous eggs in on day 3 and in my C19 madness, I have just bought another inc so I can completely chuck out the first one (I hate that machine). 5 more will go in on Monday.

I have decided that I need to track this whole process a bit better as I am determined to get the babies in 2.5 weeks or so. So, I have made this spreadsheet . If it's of any use to you guys, please do use it.

How are your chicks doing? 🥰
I don't think my 2 are going to make it. I am leaving them in there today and will water test tomorrow (day 23) if nothing is happening. It's sad, but I guess with a dodgy inc (low temps) I didn't have great odds with that number of eggs anyway. 😔

I now have my Brinsea with 7 gorgeous eggs in on day 3 and in my C19 madness, I have just bought another inc so I can completely chuck out the first one (I hate that machine). 5 more will go in on Monday.

I have decided that I need to track this whole process a bit better as I am determined to get the babies in 2.5 weeks or so. So, I have made this spreadsheet . If it's of any use to you guys, please do use it.

How are your chicks doing? 🥰
Well, I'm glad you're getting a better machine! I've heard mine bashed, but it's done well for us. It's a little giant. Though I'll admit those brinsea's sounds awful nice! Lol. Good luck on the other eggs. I think I've got one roo so far, if the wing feather sexing is legit. Yay if so!!
Thanks for the update. I had fluctuating temperatures too. Next time I try will be under different conditions, probably a broody. It's a learning experience. I have 6 healthy chicks, one is wearing boots! (Curly feet? Lol)
Thanks for the update. I had fluctuating temperatures too. Next time I try will be under different conditions, probably a broody. It's a learning experience. I have 6 healthy chicks, one is wearing boots! (Curly feet? Lol)
Also my plan is to have a chicken doing this job!!
My chicks are good. 6 out of 9. 1 Pavlovskaya, 2 swedish flowers, 1 ameraucanan, and 2 marans. 3 maran eggs still not moving or pipping. on day 23
I don't think my 2 are going to make it. I am leaving them in there today and will water test tomorrow (day 23) if nothing is happening. It's sad, but I guess with a dodgy inc (low temps) I didn't have great odds with that number of eggs anyway. 😔

I now have my Brinsea with 7 gorgeous eggs in on day 3 and in my C19 madness, I have just bought another inc so I can completely chuck out the first one (I hate that machine). 5 more will go in on Monday.

I have decided that I need to track this whole process a bit better as I am determined to get the babies in 2.5 weeks or so. So, I have made this spreadsheet . If it's of any use to you guys, please do use it.

How are your chicks doing? 🥰
Yup that’s the right attitude...try again. It’ll work out better this next time. It’s quite a learning curve. And I believe a good incubator makes all the difference. I have a little fund I’ve been putting into and am going to make a Brinsea my next purchase.

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