Day 19 Halfway Over Already! Stage One, the first 49 Eggs * PIPS!!!!*

Yep, if 3/4 of them hatch, I'm up to my eyeballs in chicks! It's why I moved Suede and his ladies back to the nursery and took over his 8x8 coop. Well, Suede is miffed about that. He doesn't like his smaller roost at all. Tonight when I went to close them in, I found Skye and Velvet on the roost bar and Suede in the new file cabinet nestbox, LOL! That big goofy thing, we had to haul him out of there and it wasn't easy. He was settled in for the night. Guess we should make the top roost bar a little longer so all three of them can be on it comfortably at once. They don't want to roost on separate bars.
You're right, Jordan. I was thinking that his weight on the landing bar in front would really test how well it was attached to the wall, LOL. Guess it's attached pretty well, huh? Silly Suede.
MissP, I know! I keep looking and looking. This bunch may keep me waiting till the beginning of Day 21. I hope not! That will start tomorrow afternoon. I was hoping many of these would be hatched by Thursday so I could maybe think about going with my hubby to his eye appt an hour away from here that afternoon. He may just have to wear sunglasses to drive home! Seriously, we'll only be gone maybe 4 hours, so maybe it won't be too bad.
I have a neighbor and friend that has chickens that he originally got from me and I take care of them when they're gone...any hoo....every morning his big old BR is stuck in the nest box and you have to remove him....You'd think he'd learn he can't get out!! Hopefully Suede doesn't get stuck!!

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