Day 19 Halfway Over Already! Stage One, the first 49 Eggs * PIPS!!!!*

Miss P, I was wondering the same thing? LOL Hope she gets some rest, this long delay was starting to scare me off hatching. LOL I am waiting for my eggs from her this morning. I am excited to start the hatching again! This is as addictive as buying chicks.
Sleep? me? I was up several times last night. As of now, I have 11 chicks hatched and maybe 8 pipped that I can see. The first vocal Welsummer partially zipped then died in the shell. My DH opened it and said it was a huge chick, probably just couldn't get out.
Of the Blue Orpingtons I am hatching for Jeff King, I have 3 hatched and 2 pipped of the 7 so far.
Of the Welsummers, 4 hatched and 1 pipped of the 15 (1 dead)
Of the 11 RIRs, 3 are hatched, 1 pipped
Of the 5 Buff Orps (Julie's), 1 hatched, 0 pipped (?)
Of the 6 Ameraucanas, 1 hatched, 0 pipped (It's blue)
Of the 4 Barred Rocks, 3 are pipped.
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I'm a bit perplexed by all the unpipped ones at this stage. The only thing I can figure is that a couple of nights of slightly cool temps slowed a few of them down a bit and they're just going to be fashionably late.
Congrats Cyn glad to see thing are zipping right along

Hey Miss Prissy a Monator way to go, now I just have to help ya get that free bator from GQF for your turkey eggs.

Ya all don't forget, if ya get a hova to tell them that Miss Prissy from BYC sent ya

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